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    okładka Six-Gun Country, Ebook | Max Brand

    «This is the story of the toughest barn in the Wild West, the most reliable of all that has ever lived. Wherever Roniki Dawn goes, trouble is sure to follow. So Dun was not surprised when he went to Twin Springs and ended up in the middle of a deadly war between two rival families».

    okładka Pillar Mountain, Ebook | Max Brand

    Loafer was a big dog who looked like a buffalo wolf; he was gray against one background and pale yellow against another; like a buffalo wolf, he had a great leonine body covered with a loose hide which humped in a wave above his shoulders at every lurch of his gallop. Strangers always said „Wolf! „ when they saw him, and no one said „Good dog! „ except his master.

    okładka Mountain Riders, Ebook | Max Brand

    Hometown Cowboy was an easy introduction into the Rocky Mountain Riders. Sexy cowboy, a heroine who’s a dreamer and rescues animals, chocolate, a darling little pig, family struggles and mending broken relationships. Hometown Cowboy was a tempting introduction to the Rocky Mountain Riders.

    okładka Montana Rides Again, Ebook | Max Brand

    The Montana Kid, „El Keed” south of the border, slips a marriage noose to join Mateo Rubriz, prince of Mexican outlaws, in a wild cross-border raid. The target: a gold and emerald crown stolen by the governor of Duraya from the church under his protection. In Duraya, Montana and Rubriz have no problem getting into the governor’s fort, even finding the crown. It’s the getting out that nearly undoes them!

    okładka Interns Can’t Take Money, Ebook | Max Brand

    Jimmy Kildare used to get away from the hospital every afternoon and go over to Tom McGuire’s saloon on the avenue. He always drank two beers. An interne in the accident room has to have the brains in his fingertips in good order all day long, but two beers don’t get very far between a man and himself if he has a bit of head on his shoulders, and Jimmy Kildare had.

    okładka Dr. Kildare’s Hardest Case, Ebook | Max Brand

    „Lindley Parker Sessions, commandant of the Yard, stood with his hand on his hips and looked up. There is a saying that even the Devil would make a sailor if he could only learn to look up. However, the Rear Admiral was not staring at the leech of a sail; he was watching the ironworkers as they ran up a new portion of the ways. Welders did most of the construction in the Yard, but for lack of them at this point, Lieutenant Commander Henry Jervis, who supplied the engineering ...

    okładka Dr. Kildare’s Girl, Ebook | Max Brand

    In the crowded waiting room of Dr. Gillespie there were people of ten nations of more than ten degrees, from the old pugilist with rheumatism in his broken hands to the Indian mystic whose eyes already were forgetting this world; but little Florrie Adams took precedence over all of these. Her mother lagged breathless, a step behind, as Florrie was led quickly on by a nurse so pretty that the little girl had to keep looking up at that freshness and that bloom; and so her stumb...

    okładka Dr. Kildare’s Crisis, Ebook | Max Brand

    When young doctor James Kildare and his fiancée, nurse Mary Lamont, make plans for their wedding day, brother Mary Douglas arrives at her. Douglas asks Kildare to arrange an appointment with a wealthy Mr. Chandler, whose daughter Kildare rescued at Young Doctor Kildare to ask for a fund to create three subsidized trading schools to train unskilled workers. Kildare does not want to impose Chandler for ethical reasons, but is concerned that Doug, who hears nonexistent sounds, m...

    okładka Dr. Kildare Goes Home, Ebook | Max Brand

    After graduating from medical school, Dr. James Kildar returns to his small hometown where his proud parents Stephen and Martha Kildar and childhood friend Alice Raymond expect him to join his father in his medical practice. However, he is more ambitious, although he is not sure what he wants to do. He recruited as an intern at New York Hospital.

    okładka Donnegan Gunman’s Reckoning, Ebook | Max Brand

    Max Brand is an American writer, considered one of the best authors working in the Western genre. A gunman’s reckoning is his understanding, and here, we have several gunmen and women, one in a main role, whose understandings of life ineluctably draw them together. „Gunman’s Reckoning” is a psychological novel, with roots in Greek tragedy and with twists worthy of far better known writers.

    okładka Cheyenne Gold, Ebook | Max Brand

    The most dangerous killer in Alaska, Menneval sends a certain Bill Ranger to California in search of information about his father and son Crosson. After many setbacks, Bill finally finds the Crossons in the woods. The life of father and son is shrouded in deep mystery. Bill will be with them to become a member of incredible adventures and bloody skirmishes.

    okładka Wild Horse Mesa, Ebook | Zane Grey

    This novel takes place in southeastern Utah in the late 1800s. The main character, Chance Weimer, is a debater of wild horses. His greatest conquest would be to capture the great wild stallion Pankitch, whose refuge is the wild horse of Mesa. Naturally, the book is full of Indians, thieves, chases, wild river crossings and amazing love. After all, this is a love story.

    okładka The Spirit of the Border, Ebook | Zane Grey

    This is a historical novel about the American border during the American Revolutionary War. At this time, the United States border began at Fort Pitt, and the Ohio River was the main artery for entry into the dense forest, unresolved and dangerous western countries. The area west of Fort Pitt was inhabited by Indians who were incited by Detroit-based British against rebellious American colonists.

    okładka The Maverick Queen, Ebook | Zane Grey

    After his partner was killed during a card game, Link Bradway travels to South Pass, Wyoming to find the killer. But South Pass is awash with players and gunsmiths, and Bradway’s quest leads him directly to a bloody battle when he discovers that he will need much more than a gun to stay alive.

    okładka Rogue River Feud, Ebook | Zane Grey

    Zane Gray had a hut on the Robber, and his affection and passion for this epic river make her the main theme of the book.It is the best writing about the Rogue that has been done before or since and poetically and descriptively traces the river from its birth below Crater Lake to its dispersal into the Pacific and then picks up a school of salmon and takes them all the way back up the river to spawn. Environmental organizations attempting to save Northwest salmon should be ha...

    okładka Znachor. Profesor Wilczur, Ebook | Tadeusz Dołęga-Mostowicz

    Powieść „Znachor” Tadeusza Dołęgi-Mostowicza była przenoszona na ekran trzykrotnie. Najnowsza adaptacja filmowa została zrealizowana w 2022 r. przez Michała Gazdę i będzie miała premierę w Netflixie w drugiej połowie 2023 r. W oczekiwaniu na dzień premiery oddajemy do rąk czytelników tekst powieści „Znachor” wraz z jej kontynuacją zawartą w utworze „Profesor Wilczur”. To jedyne wydanie, dzięki któremu można poznać całość losów renomowanego warszawskiego chirurga, profesora Ra...

    okładka Architekci Świata, Ebook | Justyna Żmudzka

    Miłość to tak naprawdę technologia. Uśmiechasz się pod nosem z politowaniem? Myślisz – co za brednie? A jednak trochę Cię to zaciekawiło, bo wyczuwasz przez skórę, że trzymasz książkę, która może zmienić Twoje życie. Jeśli czujesz się inna lub inny niż wszyscy, to znaczy, że jesteś jednym z nas. Architektem świata. Wydaje Ci się, że jesteś mało ważna? Że jesteś przeciętny? Że nie jesteś tu potrzebny? Nie wiesz, po co się urodziłeś? I jaki to wszystko ma sens? Jeśli masz odwag...

    okładka The Pat Hobby Stories, Ebook | Francis Scott Fitzgerald

    A Hollywood hack who has fallen on hard times since the end of the Silent Era, Pat Hobby spends his time hanging out in the studio lot attempting to devise schemes to get more work and earn on-screen credits. Entertainingly artless and insensitive; by turns lazy and scheming, Hobby keeps his head just above water as the decades leave silent film behind. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s collection of 17 humorous short stories paints a comic portrait of a man unwilling to accept his fate ...

    okładka The Beautiful and Damned, Ebook | Francis Scott Fitzgerald

    F. Scott Fitzgerald’s second novel, first published in 1922, which brilliantly satirizes a doomed and glamorous marriage of would-be Jazz Age aristocrats Anthony and Gloria Patch: they are beautiful, shallow, pleasure-seeking, and vain. As they await the inheritance of his grandfather’s fortune, their reckless marriage sways under the influence of alcohol and avarice and disintegrates under the weight of their expectations, dissipation, jealousy and aimlessness...

    okładka Tales of the Jazz Age, Ebook | Francis Scott Fitzgerald

    Divided into three separate parts, according to subject matter, „Tales of the Jazz Age” includes two of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s better-known short stories, „The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” and „The Diamond as Big as the Ritz”. Set in the Jazz Age, Fitzgerald’s own term for the Roaring Twenties of newly confident, post-war America, this collection of early 11 short stories shows a comic genius at work, fashioning every genre from low farce to shrewd social insight, along wi...

    okładka Taps at Reveille, Ebook | Francis Scott Fitzgerald

    „Taps at Reveille” (1935) is a collection of 18 short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald, published in 1935 and dedicated to Fitzgerald’s agent Harold Ober. It was the fourth and final collection of short stories Fitzgerald published in his lifetime. It brings together several of his best stories from the late 1920s and early 1930s, including „Crazy Sunday”, and „Babylon Revisited”, a story considered by many to be his masterpiece in the genre.

    okładka Tender Is the Night, Ebook | Francis Scott Fitzgerald

    Set in the South of France in the decade after World War I, „Tender Is the Night” is the story of a brilliant and magnetic psychiatrist named Dick Diver who marries one of his patients, a wealthy schizophrenic, Nicole Warren; as she slowly recovers, she exhausts his vitality until he is, in Fitzgerald’s words, un homme épuisé („a used-up man”). The novel explores how love can be won, lost, and perverted by the myriad forces that shape our lives, including money, illness, and ...

    okładka Short Stories, Ebook | Francis Scott Fitzgerald

    The definite collection of Fitzgerald’s short stories; edited and with a preface by the foremost Fitzgerald scholar Matthew J. Bruccoli. The forty-three masterpieces range from early stories that capture the fashion of the times to later ones written after the author’s fabled crack-up, which are sober reflections on his own youthful excesses. This essential collection is ample testament to that statement, and a monument to the genius of one of the great voices in the history ...

    okładka Flappers and Philosophers, Ebook | Francis Scott Fitzgerald

    Published soon after Fitzgerald’s debut novel „This Side of Paradise”, the novel that had made him famous at the age of twenty-three, „Flappers and Philosophers” was the author’s first iconic collection of short fiction. In these pages we meet Fitzgerald’s trademark characters: the beautiful, headstrong young women and the dissolute, wandering young men who comprised what came to be called the Lost Generation. This collection evokes 1920s America through the eyes of a writer ...

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