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Flappers and Philosophers Francis Scott Fitzgerald ebook

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Published soon after Fitzgerald’s debut novel „This Side of Paradise”, the novel that had made him famous at the age of twenty-three, „Flappers and Philosophers” was the author’s first iconic collection of short fiction. In these pages we meet Fitzgerald’s trademark characters: the beautiful, headstrong young women and the dissolute, wandering young men who comprised what came to be called the Lost Generation. This collection evokes 1920s America through the eyes of a writer indelibly linked to that singular era.

„Flappers and Philosophers”, Francis Scott Fitzgerald – jak czytać ebook?

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Szczegółowe informacje na temat ebooka Flappers and Philosophers

O autorze

Francis Scott Fitzgerald

Francis Scott Fitzgerald był amerykańskim pisarzem, nowelistą, eseistą oraz scenarzystą filmowym. Najbardziej znany pozostaje jako autor powieści przedstawiających pełne ekscesów ekstrawaganckie...

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Flappers and Philosophers

Flappers and Philosophers

Francis Scott Fitzgerald,

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