Gibson George

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    okładka Tristan and Isolde, Audiobook | Gibson George

    Audiobook do nauki języka angielskiego One of the great romances of the Middle Ages, Tristan and Isolde has inspired writers, poets, artists and musicians for centuries. After slaying a dragon and winning a tournament, the young prince Tristan wins the hand of beautiful Isolde for marriage to his uncle, King Mark. But on their journey back to Mark’s court, they drink a love potion that was intended for the king and his young bride. They instantly fall in love - a love that i...

    okładka American Folk Tales, Audiobook | Gibson George

    Enjoy three of America’s most-loved folk tales of the 1800s! Meet Johnny Appleseed who planted apple seeds across America. Find out how Pecos Bill became king of the Cowboys of Texas. Visit a Southern plantation and laugh with cunning Brer Rabbit and Brer Fox.

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