E. Phillips Oppenheim - książki, ebooki i audiobooki

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    okładka Berenice, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    Matravers is „an Apostle of Aestheticism” with „fixed views of life, down to even it’s most trifling details.” „A poet, philosopher, and man of fashion” who has „no intimate friends.” He writes for the London papers and reviews. One evening he is taken to the theater by a friend to see a „Norwegian” play by Istein, which he savages in his review. However the actress who plays the lead, Berenice, is brilliant, and is the same woman with whom he has been exchanging coy glance...

    okładka Jednooki Budda, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    Powieść sensacyjna napisana żywym i błyskotliwym stylem. Narratorem jest major Owston, zaangażowany przez milionera Martina Hewsa do ochrony swojej unikalnej kolekcji obrazów i rzeźb. Na cenne zbiory Hewsa czyha nieuchwytny przestępca Jeff, ścigany przez Scotland Yard, jednak dzięki umiejętności charakteryzacji i kamuflażu kpi sobie z całej londyńskiej policji. E. Phillips Oppenheim, nazywany w swoim czasie mistrzem wśród twórców powieści kryminalnych i sensacyjnych, był znan...

    okładka Mnich z Kruty, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    Jedna z wcześniejszych powieści Oppenheima, nieco inna niż jego późniejsza dzieła, z ciemniejszymi motywami i bardziej tragiczną fabułą. Bogaty Anglik, zakochuje się w córce włoskiego arystokraty mieszkającego na wyspie Kruta na Morzu Śródziemnym. Niektórym jednak bardzo nie odpowiada ich związek. Ich bliscy potajemnie spiskują, aby ich rozdzielić. E. Phillips Oppenheim, nazywany w swoim czasie mistrzem wśród twórców powieści kryminalnych i sensacyjnych, był znanym na całym ś...

    okładka The Cinema Murder, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    Phillip Romilly is a poor art teacher in London, half-starved, both mentally and physically. His cousin, Douglas, has everything and even buys Beatrice, Philip’s fiancée. He strangles Douglas, throws him in the canal, and assumes his identity. Douglas had booked passage to America for the next day, so after a pleasant sea voyage Phillip arrives at the Waldorf Hotel in New York as Douglas Romilly. Philip’s career in New York is filled with incident. On his wedding day, he is...

    okładka The Adventures of Mr. Joseph P. Gray, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    Joseph P. Cray is an American manufacturer who has just completed a year serving coffee to the troops in France during World War 1. He is motivated by good will, and also to escape his American second wife who is the head of a temperance organization. With sybaritic glee, he returns to London, dons civilian garb, and enjoys his first cocktail. He is soon joined by his daughter, the beautiful Lady Sara Sittingbourne, who lives in London. Together the two seek „adventure” in ...

    okładka Stolen Idols, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    A young adventurer steals two complimentary idols of Buddha from a Chinese temple, one of which is supposed to have a debasing and malevolent effect upon its owners. One of the idols represents the Body, and all of the corruption and evil of Mankind, the other represents the Soul, and all that is good. The Ballastons are a spendthrift aristocratic family threatened with the loss of their ancestral home due to large debts. The son steals these idols, ends up with just the na...

    okładka The Black Box, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    „The Black Box” is a series of loosely connected short stories detailing the adventures of Sanford Quest, world’s greatest criminologist. The story starts off in New York City, travels to England, Egypt, and around the world to San Francisco, then into the wild west of New Mexico. There are two main plot lines which merge into one along with romance mixed in with the ever present danger. Melodramatic, episodic, supernatural. It’s all great fun and Oppenheim keeps the action...

    okładka The Devil’s Paw, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    Julian Orden, son of a British aristocrat attends a dinner party and meets Catherine, a young woman of mixed antecedents – British and Russian. She is entrusted with important documents. When she is suspected of being a spy and arrested, she saves herself by giving the papers into the keeping of young Orden. A beautiful, intelligent young woman – is she a traitorous spy or a patriot? These two characters become caught up in a plan by the leaders of the working people of Ger...

    okładka Sinners Beware, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    This is another collection of interlinked short stories about the good life in Monte Carlo and Beausoleil after the first World War. Ten stories about Peter Hames, the former Inspector on the New York police department that got tossed off the force when he tried to stop an innocent man being railroaded by a corrupt police force. Disillusioned, but after inheriting a million dollars, he moves to France to become a painter. But the detective instincts never left and he gets i...

    okładka Nobody’s Man, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    It is strange to find Mr. Phillips Oppenheim choosing as his hero an earnest politician with a love for social reform. „Nobody’s Man” starts out as a standard whodunit murder mystery then makes an abrupt lane-change into British politics of the mid-1920’s. Brigadier general Andrew Tallente, late of Parliament, is implicated in the death of his male secretary, the son of a classmate at Eton. Seems the younger man may have not only been having an affair with the hero’s Americ...

    okładka Nicholas Goade, Detective, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    E. Phillips Oppenheim was a popular 20th century writer best known for penning suspenseful thriller novels like „The Mystery of Mr. Bernard Brown”. Many of his more than 100 novels are still read today. His novels and short stories have all the elements of blood-racing adventure and intrigue and are precursors of modern-day spy fictions. „Nicholas Goade, Detective” is a collection of short mysteries about a Scotland Yard detective on holiday. As he travels across England wi...

    okładka Mr. Mirakel, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    „Mr. Mirakel” is the last novel written by E. Phillips Oppenheim in 1943. Marquis Roderigo de Cordovina is leaving his Portuguese estates in Lisbon because he is being pressured to join the German military and command a mechanical battalion. He meets Miss Anne Strangeways in the seaplane terminal. The two board an airboat for London. Shortly thereafter, they meet again at the home of Princess Rosina Di Gomez who is the niece of the Portuguese Ambassador. At this point the p...

    okładka Mr. Laxworthy’s Adventures, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    The man was awaiting the service of his dinner in the magnificent buffet of the Gare de Lyon. He sat at a table laid for three, on the right-hand side of the entrance and close to the window. From below came the turmoil of the trains. In appearance he was of somewhat less than medium height, of unathletic, almost frail, physique. His head was thrust a little forward, as though he were afflicted with a chronic stoop. He wore steel-rimmed spectacles with the air of one who ha...

    okładka Mnich z Cruty, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    Romans z elementami powieści gotyckiej oraz powieści tajemnic. Bogaty Anglik zakochuje się w córce włoskiego arystokraty, który mieszka na wyspie Cruta w rejonie Morza Śródziemnego. Absolutna klasyka mistrza wśród twórców powieści sensacyjnych...

    okładka A Monk of Cruta, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    A very interesting and early novel is extremely popular in the 1920s and 1940s by the famous author E. Phillips Oppenheim. It differs from its later works, here are considered more gloomy themes and a tragic plot. This story tells of a wealthy Englishman who fell in love with the daughter of an Italian nobleman who lives on the island of Krutha in the Mediterranean Sea. The very dark influence of the Catholic Church in this period will not prevent the victory of love and ha...

    okładka The Seven Conundrums, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    British author E. Phillips Oppenheim achieved worldwide fame with his thrilling novels and short stories concerning, mystery, international espionage and intrigue. Many of his novels have been adapted for the screen. Mr. Oppenheim can be depended upon to give his plots that turn which is as admirable as it is unexpected, and „The Seven Conundrums” is one of the best of his many good and exciting books. His plotting is as smooth as silk, with the virtue of creating believabl...

    okładka Up the Ladder of Gold, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    The secretive financier and Press baron Warren Rand is working to bring about Global Peace and Disarmament, against the plotting of England, France, Germany, and Russia. The story expands to include the chief characters in Rands life: his security chief a British officer Tellesom who falls in love with Rand’s estranged daughter, the financier John Glynde and a large cast of evil Russian and German spies. His machinations of the gold market and international sabotage bring t...

    okładka To Win the Love He Sought, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    This third novel by Oppenheim was published in 1895. It was originally published under the title „A Daughter of the Marionis” and was reprinted several times. The story of a vendetta, makes a capital plot for the novelist who takes characters from Southern life for his story, and in Margharita, „a daughter of the Marionis,” we have a not impossible character. She does not appear till late in the story, but takes up the vendetta of her uncle with a will. Marionis himself is ...

    okładka Those Other Days, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    A collection of nineteen stories, by Edward Phillips Oppenheim, mostly from the 1890’s and early 1900’s, published in magazines, and collected in 1913. Ghost stories, bizarre adventures, strange appearances and disappearances, and improbable love are the themes of these very enjoyable stories by the master storyteller. Young men courting women, psychic phenomena, and humorous characters abound. „Those Other Days” stories are almost Victorian in their diction and flavor, wit...

    okładka A Lost Leader, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    The state of the working class in the early 20th century caused significant changes in the left-wing political parties. The Liberal Party, which enjoyed the support of the working class, was threatened by the Party of Labor and trade unions that were in the forefront of the socialist and communist movement. In this novel, we are talking about a great deal of sympathy for the poorest workers who lost their jobs due to automation, recession and mass layoffs. The use of taxes ...

    okładka The Interloper, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    Oppenheim was famous for his hundreds of spy and espionage novels. This is not one of them. It’s billed as a novel of social intrigue and as a story of revenge without violence and moves quickly. Duke Henry Chatfield with his family, and family lawyer Sir Stephen are riding through central Italy when the car breaks down in Pellini, where, 20 years earlier, the Duke’s brother had a mistress and illegitimate child. Duke’s daughter Monica is intrigued by a young Englishman nam...

    okładka The Illustrious Prince, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    Written in 1910, „The Illustrious Prince” is set in England some time after the Russian-Japanese War which ended in victory for the Japanese in 1905. The Emperor of Japan, suspecting an ulterior motive in the world cruise of the American battleship fleet, dispatches his cousin, Prince Maiyo, on a mission to learn the secret if one existed. Two American spies are murdered, an intrepid detective from Scotland Yard is hard on the trail of clues that will lead him to the killer...

    okładka The Yellow Crayon, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    E. Phillips Oppenheim (1866-1946) was an internationally renowned author of mystery and espionage thrillers. His novels and short stories have all the elements of blood-racing adventure and intrigue and are precursors of modern-day spy fictions. 1924’s „The Wrath to Come” is one of his novels that are „fascinating extrapolations of the political dangers that faced Europe and America in the first half of the twentieth century”. This novel is very occasionally mentioned as be...

    okładka The World’s Great Snare, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    A breathtaking tale of intrigue, romance, and revenge from one of the twentieth century’s most prolific and popular authors of suspense. „The Wicked Marquis” is a story of privilege and the attempt to keep what has been lost. Marquis will go to any length to get enough money to enjoy his title, including forcing one of his daughters to marry an unsuitable candidate with money. Although this novel was published in 1919, its setting and subject is more consistent with a pre-w...