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Henry Rider Haggard - książki, ebooki i audiobooki

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    okładka The Virgin of the Sun, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    Haggard explores love, friendship, and women during an adventure across the Atlantic and South America. In The „Virgin of the Sun”, the author also explores the Inca myth associated with the rise of one of America’s greatest pre-Columbian leaders, Pachacuti. After several small adventures and misfortunes, our hero, Hubert, meets and befriends a strange man from a strange land. This story is filled with murder, intrigue, adventure and betrayal. It will definitely be remember...

    okładka Kleopatra, Audiobook | Henry Rider Haggard

    Powieść Kleopatra przedstawia dzieje wielkiego spisku, który miał podważyć tron Kleopatry. Historia ta została opowiedziana ustami samego spiskowca, wyznawcy wiary w bogów egipskich. Autor we wstępie do książki napisał: "Dzieje upadku Antoniusza i Kleopatry musiały na siebie zwrócić uwagę wielu badaczy historii owych czasów jako jedna z najbardziej zagadkowych tragedii ludzkich. Jakież złośliwe wpływy i ukryte nienawiści działały, podkopując nieustannie ich powodzenie i zacie...

    okładka Kopalnie króla Salomona, Książka | Henry Rider Haggard

    Afrykański łowca przygód i myśliwy, Quatermain, wraz z dwójką angielskich dżentelmenów trafiają do krainy obfitości, pełnej zwierzyny i naturalnego piękna. Przede wszystkim jednak jest to kraj bogaty w diamenty. Ale ich zdobycie nie jest łatwe. Dostępu do drogocennych kamieni broni..., ale cicho, sza, nie będziemy zdradzać treści.
    Jeden z oryginalniejszych pomysłów Haggarda, dzięki którym Kopalnie weszły do klasyki literatury światowej.
    Aga Paszkot-Zgaga

    okładka Ona, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    „Fascynująca książka… pełna ukrytych znaczeń” Sigmund Freud Ona to opowieść o wykładającym w Cambridge profesorze Hollym i jego podopiecznym Leo Vinceyu i ich podróży do zagubionego gdzieś w afrykańskim interiorze królestwa.  Impulsem do wyprawy staje się tajemnicza paczka zostawiona Leo przez ojca z poleceniem, aby otworzono ją dopiero w jego dwudzieste piąte urodziny. W pakunku bohaterowie znajdują resztki starych glinianych skorup oraz dokumenty, które sugerują, iż z ro...

    okładka Dawn, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    Henry Rider Haggard knows how to interest the reader from the very first pages. The story „Dawn” is a good confirmation of this. It all starts with the fact that the young man has deceived his inheritance with his lying cousin and secret marriage. The author shows on his characters that readers should not imitate others and follow their example.

    okładka Belshazzar, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    Belshazzar is the latest novel by Henry Rider Haggard. He wrote it shortly before his death. All events revolve around Ramose, a descendant of the Egyptian pharaoh and the Greek. He decides to radically change his life and go on adventures. As a result, this decision leads to the fall of Babylon at the hand of the Persian Empire under Cyrus.

    okładka The Treasure of the Lake, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    In fact, this is one of several papers published after the death of Haggard. The Treasure of the Lake is another extreme adventure in the hidden heart of Africa. Allan Quatermain finds a village in the center of the Dark Continent, run by a man with a strange knowledge of future events. But what will the main character do with this knowledge? Can he change something? This is the last Quatermain book.

    okładka The Ancient Allan, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    Many readers of the novels of Henry Rider Haggard like his main character Allan Quatermain. He goes back to the past. This adventure promises to be exciting. After all, there will be many exciting events on the way of the main character: hunting for lions, fighting a crocodile and a battle between different armies.

    okładka A Tale of Three Lions, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    Henry Rider Haggard wrote adventure novels. A Tale of Three Lions is an exciting story about the dangerous adventure of a young girl, Harry. She wants to join her father, who became a celebrity, thanks to the lion hunt. This novel, though not a fantasy, but still strikes a denouement.

    okładka When the World Shook, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    ”When the World Shook” is a classic story, written by H. Rider Haggard, telling about the horror of a ghost town. The plot revolves around three friends – one absolutely unshakable skeptic, the other – an absolutely believer, and the third and central character is a person who is looking for meaning in life. A hurricane shipwrecks them on an unknown island in the Pacific inhabited by a degenerating people who worship an ancient god called Oro. Three men experience all sorts...

    okładka Allan Quatermain, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    Quatermain has lost his only son and is eager to return to the wilderness. He persuaded Captain John Good and the Zulu chief Umbopa to accompany him, they set off from the coast of East Africa, this time in search of a white race that lives north of Mount Kenya. They encounter a fierce battle with the Masai warriors, undergo a terrible underground journey and discover a lost civilization. As a result, a terrible underground journey takes place and reveal a lost civilization...

    okładka Morning Star, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    The whole story revolves around a strong woman, the great queen of Egypt Neter-Tua, the daughter of the God Amen-Ra. She must overcome many difficulties: the murder of her father and the conspiracies of her uncle. Having overcome these difficulties, she will finally be able to rule Egypt and marry her adoptive brother, Rames. This story combines fantasy and romance, divine and human.

    okładka Moon of Israel, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    The adventure novel „Moon of Israel”includes everything the reader may desire. Here there is historical information, action, internal struggle with the Egyptians and Jews, as well as between Jews and Egyptians. The main story revolves around the prince of Seti, who is devoid of inheritance, because he doesn’t follow the idea of?? his father to kill Jews. It is also a love story that goes beyond the clash of two cultures between Seti and Merapi.

    okładka Heu-Heu, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    In this story, the already familiar hero, Allan Quatermain, tries to explain the mysteries of Africa. Here Quatermain unearths and destroys the cult of the priest, exploiting the remnants of a dying civilization. Allan proves their fraud. The main character, as always, is rational in his actions.

    okładka Fair Margaret, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    Historical novel during the reign of King Henry VII. The story of Peter Brom, who kills a soldier of the Spanish ambassador. The only thing Peter wants is to be with Margaret. This brings them into contact with the powerful Spanish marquis Aguilar, who falls in love with Margaret and plays conspiracies and secret kidnappings, and sends her to Spain to convince her to marry him. Margaret with all her heart loves Peter, who, together with her father, pursues them to Spain in ...

    okładka Lysbeth, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    Lysbeth: A Tale of the Dutch – an exciting historical adventure novel. The action takes place during the Spanish Inquisition and describes some of the horrors that occurred, giving you an idea of?? what it was like to live during this time period. Follow Lysbeth, a young Dutch girl who struggles through life, experiencing times of hardship and peace, sadness and happiness, war and love. This heartbreaking story will remind you of the values?? of religious freedom.

    okładka Child of Storm, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    Allan Quatermain helps his friend from Zulu Saduko win 100 cattle to buy his real love for Mameena. However, Mameena wants to marry another man – Allan Quatermain. This is a first-class adventure with increasing intrigue that will interest the reader. The story, where everything is combined: war, politics and sex.

    okładka The Mahatma and the Hare, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    Henry Rider Haggard describes the plight of the protagonist. He loses his wife and daughter in a car accident, as he thinks through his fault. The main character goes into great depression and begins to drink. When the man was thinking about suicide, a stranger named Joren appeared and told him not to worry. He tells him about reincarnated souls and life after death. Joren teaches him to transcend his body.

    okładka The Lady of Blossholme, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    This is a story about the adventures of the time of King Henry VIII and the pilgrimage of grace. This is one of the most historical adventures of Haggard, in which there are almost no elements of fantasy. King Henry and Cromwell put in appearances and evil men plot against the good guys. There is also a love story involved between Foterell’s daughter, Cicely and the man she’s loved since childhood, Sir Christopher Harflete

    okładka Smith and the Pharaohs, and Other Tales, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    Rider Haggard, just like his main character in this story, is not indifferent to Ancient Egypt. The events of the four stories take place in Africa. Here several acts overlap: extraordinary courage and an epic clash of different cultures. The main theme remains unchanged: the theme of love, which lasts until death.

    okładka Dziecię z kości słoniowej, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    Jedna z bardziej fascynujących powieści przygodowych o Afryce z czasów kolonialnych. Spodoba się fanom afrykańskich podróży Henryka Sienkiewicza. Afrykańskie plemiona kultywują wiarę w bóstwa i reinkarnację. Zdarza się, że przypadkowymi ofiarami ich wierzeń stają się biali najeźdźcy. Tak było w przypadku lady Luny Ragnall. Kobietę porwali czarnoksiężnicy z plemienia Kendahów, którzy są przekonani, że ta jest wcieleniem świętej kapłanki najwyższego bóstwa, tytułowego dziecięci...

    okładka Ayesha, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    This is a story about the beautiful and immortal Ayesha. The expedition is sent to an unexplored part of Africa, where the group finds Ayesha, who claims the expedition’s leader is the reincarnation of her long-dead beloved. Ayesha became ageless and absolutely beautiful over 2 thousand years ago, plunging into a magical fire. Her only desire is to reunite with her beloved man. She makes the expedition leader to immerse himself as well.

    okładka Allan’s Wife and Other Tales, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    Allan’s Wife and Other Tales talks about the times of Allan Quatermain in South Africa. After all, there happened the most terrible events in the life of the main character. He lost his father there. Ultimately, we will know the fate of his wife. This will be one of the most challenging travels of Allan Quatermain.

    okładka Nada the Lily, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    Nada the Lily is a historical novel. It tells about the origins of Umslopogaas, the illegitimate son of the Zulu king in the 19th century. Parts of the story are inspired by the real historical events and fairy tales that Haggard heard during his time in South Africa. Haggard portrays the Zulus as real people–people with hopes and dreams, as well as flaws.