
Max Brand Ebooki

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    okładka Speedys Bargain, Ebook | Max Brand

    Max Brand (Frederick Schiller Faust) is one of the greatest early Western writers who has been labeled „one of the top three Western novelists of all time” and „Speedy’s Bargain” is one of 9 „Speedy” stories that have seen print in various collections. „Speedy’s Bargain” features „Speedy,” Brand’s atypical western man of action who carries no gun and relies on his wits and psychological insights to stop crooks in their tracks. In it, an outlaw holds a family at gunpoint, thre...

    okładka The Great Betrayal, Ebook | Max Brand

    Superstar pulpsmith Max Brand was best known for his Westerns, but his historical adventures rank among the best stories he ever wrote. He wrote somewhere around 12 or 13 historical swashbucklers not including the seven Tizzo stories. The complete tales of Tizzo the Firebrand contains the 7 stories. „The Great Betrayal” is one of it. The series is set in early 16th Century Italy. Luigi Falcone had taken in red haired street urchin Tizzo outside of the city of Perugia. Raised ...

    okładka The King Bird Rides, Ebook | Max Brand

    A good classic western by Max Brand (Frederick Faust) about the famous outlaw King Bird. The King Bird, a young, reckless and mystery bandit, whose definition of happiness is freedom, the best horse, a wonderful girl, faces difficult choices when he attempts to save an old friend’s runaway daughter from a dangerous gang of robbers. „The King Bird Rides” is a fast moving, exciting, plenty of gun play and adventure. Max Brand’s action-filled stories of adventure and heroism in ...

    okładka The Return of the Rancher, Ebook | Max Brand

    Accused, tried, and convicted of robbery and murder that he did not commit, Jim Seton rotted in jail for five long years. Although the townspeople said he was lucky not to hang, that wasn’t how Jim saw it. He didn’t take kindly to being railroaded. Now he was free and ready. He was an innocent man who’d been sent to hell, and he was ready, willing, and able to return the favor. „The Return of the Rancher „ is a classical western excitement at its very best by a master of the ...

    okładka Gun Gentlemen, Ebook | Max Brand

    Lucky Bill has the reputation of a natural battler, but he is not a cold-blooded killer. Then Bill finds himself on the wrong side of the law when he is accused of a crime he did not commit, and plenty of greenhorns and gringos set their sights on collecting the price on his head. He’s wanted by every tin star in the West and by every greedy gunslinger out for the price they can get for his no-good corpse. But Bill refuses to turn tail and run. Renowned Old West gunslinger Bi...

    okładka Larramee’s Ranch, Ebook | Max Brand

    „Larramee’s Ranch” is another great and entertaining Max Brand novel! This is quite a change of pace for Max Brand. His hero Tom Holden is a bookish young man with a bad leg, no money, and no experience with firearms. When he sets out to make his fortune, he has no real prospects but through a series of bluffs he outwits a killer, faces down a town bully, makes a considerable bundle of money for himself. Then he announces he will marry Alexa Larrame, the beautiful blue-eyed d...

    okładka Old Carver Ranch, Ebook | Max Brand

    After ten years of wandering, during which he has lived the life of a gambler and learned the ways of devious men, Tom Keene returns home, only to find his father alone and dying. Old John Keene’s sole legacy to his son is a Bible, so with his father’s passing, Tom renounces his selfish, worthless past and sets out to preach to others that the greatest happiness is born of trust in one another. But Tom Keene’s good intentions are about to cost him more than he knows... Tom is...

    okładka The Saint, Ebook | Max Brand

    He was smiling continually, with such an air of removal above the concerns of ordinary mortals, with such an upward lifting of the head, that his fellows in the boat had called him, from the first day of labor and thirst, „The Saint.” This novelette filled with excitement, suspense, good guys and bad, and plot twists aplenty! Brand is a masterful story teller, slowly revealing his main characters’ unique idiosyncrasies, strengths and weaknesses that make them both human and a...

    okładka The Smiling Desperado, Ebook | Max Brand

    An exciting saga of danger, adventure, and romance on the Western frontier. Bill Lancaster was a dangerous man that no one dared mess with. He was fast with a gun, deadly with his fists, and a bully who never let you forget who was tougher. Young Dan Cadigan however refused to be pushed. Mistaken for a quiet weakling, no one expected him to stand up to Bill Lancaster. Fighting him with his fists he made Lancaster realize that someone was tougher than he was. Desperate he used...

    okładka Montana Rides Again, Ebook | Max Brand

    The Montana Kid, „El Keed” south of the border, slips a marriage noose to join Mateo Rubriz, prince of Mexican outlaws, in a wild cross-border raid. The target: a gold and emerald crown stolen by the governor of Duraya from the church under his protection. In Duraya, Montana and Rubriz have no problem getting into the governor’s fort, even finding the crown. It’s the getting out that nearly undoes them!

    okładka The People vs. Dr. Kildare, Ebook | Max Brand

    Kildare saves the life of a skater who had a car accident. But even though her leg is broken, she cannot walk, and she is trying to sue Kildare for negligence, and Kildare’s entire career and reputation are now based on the correct diagnosis in the courtroom.

    okładka Bull Hunter, Ebook | Max Brand

    Another great Max Brand western, first written in 1921. The story follows a cousin who was taken in by his uncle and his two sons. They make fun of him, and use his size and strength to do the hard chores they can’t do. The huge, lumbering outlaw Bull Hunter intends to hunt down and kill the men responsible for his uncle’s death. When he finds out that the ringleader is already behind bars, he devises a clever plot to spring his nemesis in order to dispense his comeuppance,...

    okładka Chip Traps a Sheriff, Ebook | Max Brand

    Max Brand’s action-filled stories of adventure and heroism in the American West continue to entertain readers throughout the world. „"Chip Traps A Sheriff"” is one of his work. Neatly plotted and briskly told, it illustrates Brand’s remarkable gift for storytelling. One of the greatest western authors of all time. Max Brand leads the reader on a very authentic tale of the old west the way it was. Brand penned over 200 full-length Westerns in his career, including „"Destry R...

    okładka His Name His Fortune, Ebook | Max Brand

    Max Brand (1892-1944) is the best-known pen name of widely acclaimed author Frederick Faust, creator of Destry, Dr. Kildare, and other beloved fictional characters. Orphaned at an early age, Faust studied at the University of California, Berkeley. He became one of the most prolific writers of our time but abandoned writing at age fifty-one to become a war correspondent in World War II, where he was killed while serving in Italy. This is one of his work. The plot is well con...

    okładka Destry Rides Again, Ebook | Max Brand

    This fast-paced story is about a tough rebel named Destry who is sent to prison for years, serving time for a crime he did not commit. Once out, he aims to seek revenge on the 12 jury members who sent him to prison and voted for his incarceration. However, his mission isn’t to kill but to find other unique ways as punishment and to make their lives miserable. Neatly plotted and briskly told, it illustrates Brand’s remarkable gift for storytelling. One of the greatest wester...

    okładka Silvertip’s Trap, Ebook | Max Brand

    At 30, Bill Naylor had spent half his life behind bars. Free again, and while looking for a new job, he saves a man from drowning. For Bill Naylor, there are all the others in the world, when it comes to being an outlaw, and there is Barry Christian. For Bill, Christian is the best, and the two wind up together, so Bill is all too ready to do the toughest thing that Christian has to throw his way. It involves killing Silvertip. It is Naylor’s chance to prove himself, and he...

    okładka Silvertip’s Strike, Ebook | Max Brand

    In his last evil plan, the dying Steve Wycombe wills his land, stock, and cash to his three worst enemies, Morris Delgas, Harry Rutherford, and Jim Silver, with the knowledge that sooner or later there would be violence over the inheritance. He actually dictates his will while dying from being shot in the stomach. He makes them, one honest man and two crooked, run his ranch. He knows that it is only a matter of time before they come to blows, but that is exactly what he wan...

    okładka The Rangeland Avenger, Ebook | Max Brand

    If you enjoy a fast moving Western dealing with vengeance and well-deserved payback, you’ll like "The Rangeland Avenger" by Max Brand. When Riley Sinclair heads into the town of Sour Creek to seek vengeance for the death of his brother, he doesn’t expect any trouble given his reputation and his skills with a gun. He is not prepared for Cold Feet, however, a man locally known for his abject lack of courage and his non existent fighting skills. A soft spoken but ruthless gunm...

    okładka The Rancher’s Revenge, Ebook | Max Brand

    The story of young, hardworking rancher John Saxon who suffers abuse from the mean-spirited Bob Witherell. With a great show of self-discipline and character, Saxon gains skill as a gunsman, and takes down Witherell in a duel ... but Witherell is not ordinary bully, he is also the brother of the notorious outlaw, The Solitaire, of national repute and a "list of dead men ... long and crowded with important names. One of many recommended Westerns by this prolific author. Fred...

    okładka Rodeo Ranch, Ebook | Max Brand

    Rodeo Ranch has earned its name from the rodeo that the wealthy, aged Ramon Alvarez sponsors there. An attempt has been made on Alvarez’s life, and Alvarez believes his would-be killer is a member of a secret league bent on his destruction. He approaches Duds Kobbe, winner of the rodeo’s shooting competition, and offers him a job as a personal bodyguard, promising a fabulous reward for doing the job. The only catch is that, while employed, Kobbe cannot leave the Alvarez est...

    okładka Riders of the Silences, Ebook | Max Brand

    Riders of the Silences was written under the pseudonym of John Frederick. The story is a Western saga based in part on Arthurian legends. Pierre le Rouge, the bastard child of Martin Ryder and his red-haired mistress, was sent off as an infant to be raised by Canadian friars. When his father sends for him after being wounded by the legendary gunman McGurk, Pierre races eight hundred miles to Martin’s side, determined to avenge his father’s attack. This Western from prolific...

    okładka Silvertip’s Roundup, Ebook | Max Brand

    No writer captured the excitement, humanity, or adventure of the American West better than Max Brand. ""Silvertip’s Roundup"" is and Old Western tale of adventure told by Max Brand, one of America’s favorite Western writers. Brand tells the story of the legendary Arizona Jim ""Silvertip"" Silver, who shoots fast, stays cook, and brings to justice killers and thieves who make a habit of taking the law into their own hands. No criminal was safe from Silvertip’s brilliant mind...

    okładka Gunman’s Gold, Ebook | Max Brand

    An exciting Western tale of a honorable thief who steals from crooks and ends up saving a family from the ruthless and conniving hands of a cousin who is trying to insert himself into their fortunes. There’s lots of action with good characterizations and even some political and philosophical insights that gives the story a depth of being more than just an action yarn. There’s a hired investigator, who saves him repeatedly, at risk to himself, and there is a lovely girl who ...

    okładka Range Jester, Ebook | Max Brand

    Frederick Schiller Faust (1892-1944) was an American author best known for his thoughtful Westerns under the pen name Max Brand. Prolific in many genres, he wrote historical novels, detective mysteries, pulp fiction stories and many more. This is one of his work. Three men, each traveling alone, head for the town of Loomis, where they will meet in a violent confrontation that will leave one of them dead by morning. The plot is well constructed with well drawn subsidiary cha...

Czym są ebooki?

Ebooki to książki, których treść została zapisana w formie elektronicznej. Są nazywane również e-książkami, publikacjami elektronicznymi czy książkami elektronicznymi. Ebooki można odczytywać na komputerach i laptopach, ale są one przeznaczone głównie do czytania na urządzeniach przenośnych takich jak smartfony, tablety i przede wszystkim czytniki książek elektronicznych. Ebooki posiadające swoje pierwowzory w formie papierowej są jej odwzorowaniem. Posiadają wszystkie elementy obecne w „tradycyjnej” wersji, takie jak okładkę, ilustracje, spis treści, przypisy itp.

Niepodważalną zaletą ebooków jest to, że w odróżnieniu od drukowanej książki można w nich zmieniać rodzaj oraz wielkość czcionki, formatować tekst, a w zależności od posiadanego czytnika istnieje też możliwość wyszukiwania pojedynczych słów w tekście, dodawania zakładek i robienia notatek.

Formaty ebooków

Ebooki są dostępne w wielu formatach. Najpopularniejsze z nich, będące standardem dla publikacji elektronicznych, to EPUB, MOBI i PDF.


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