May Agnes Fleming Ebooki

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    okładka Norine’s Revenge, and Sir Noel’s Heir, Ebook | May Agnes Fleming

    Mr. Richard Gilbert, a New York lawyer, entering five minutes before the start, found only one place unoccupied near the door. The old hard farmer held the upper half and moved grumpily to the window when Mr. Gilbert took his seat. The month was March, the morning was snowy and blowing, slushy and slushy, as usual in the Canadian March morning. Mr. Gilbert, inwardly congratulating himself on having gotten a seat by the stove, opened the damp Montreal True Witness and settle...

    okładka The Midnight Queen, Ebook | May Agnes Fleming

    This story is told during the great plague of London. A fantastic and historical tale begins with the story of Sir Norman Kingsley about the mystical La Masque, he ends up visiting her, and soon certain visions come to life in her presence. But how does a woman, supposedly dead, come to life and how can such a dead man suddenly disappear?

    okładka One Night’s Mystery, Ebook | May Agnes Fleming

    ”The Secret of One Night” tells about the life and love of three young women: Cyril Hendrick, daughter of a handsome, beggar, bastard; her best friend Sidney Owenson, a naive heiress; and Dolly De Courcy, an energetic actress. Both Cyril and Sidney are engaged, although everything is not as it seems in any case. Sydney’s gold miner is stupefied by Dolly, and Cyril is satisfied with her aunt, whom Cyril calls „the most humble, vicious old woman on earth.” The Secret of One N...

    okładka Sir Noel’s Heir, Ebook | May Agnes Fleming

    A book with some gothic trends in the beginning. Dark and stormy night, terrible secrets, fainting of women and orphans. The December night was wet and wild around Thetford Towers. A strange, massive, old house built during the time of James the First by Sir Hugo Thetford, the first baronet of the name, and as strong and strong now as it was then. The December day was overcast and gloomy, but the December night was stormy and wild. On this stormy winter night, the last of t...

    okładka The Actress’ Daughter, Ebook | May Agnes Fleming

    A child of Irish immigrants, writer May Agnes Fleming was born in Canada and has lived in the United States in recent years. The exciting romance novel „The Actress’s Daughter” contains many elements that contributed to Fleming’s popular recognition: strong female characters, complex plot twists and many dark intrigues. On Christmas Eve, and the main characters this time cast a spell on the weather....

    okładka The Gypsy Queen’s Vow, Ebook | May Agnes Fleming

    There was nobody on the road except herself. Late time – after all, it was almost midnight – and an increasing storm kept pedestrians at the door of that gloomy March night. From time to time she passed cottages in which lights were still burning, but most of the houses were shrouded in silence and darkness. And still during the night, and the storm, and the gloom, – the wanderer answered, with ruthless rain beating across her face, cold explosions – from her thin shabby cl...

    okładka A Changed Heart, Ebook | May Agnes Fleming

    A good, old-fashioned story that would appeal to any fan of Jane Austen or Bronte. This takes place in St. John, NB. There are enough love interests, mysterious meetings, solemn balls and the necessary beautiful bouncer to pat all the hearts of young ladies. Indecision and murder provide the backdrop for this gothic novel.

    okładka Edith Percival, Ebook | May Agnes Fleming

    The day was very hot. The crew lay in groups, idly, near the deck. The captain – a stately man of about forty or so – stepped up and down a quarter of the deck – now letting his eyes wander around his people or give them some order. His companion was young, three to four years younger than him, with a frank beautiful face and laughing brown eyes. His look of careless ease was very different from the proud stock of his companion, but some secret connection of sympathy bound ...

    okładka Carried by Storm, Ebook | May Agnes Fleming

    A mystical and a little detective story. A dark and terrible tragedy occurred within the walls of this gloomy red farmhouse. In this room a man was killed – stabbed to death. A riddle for a real detective. Only an attentive reader will understand everything in advance.

    okładka Sharing Her Crime, Ebook | May Agnes Fleming

    It began as a dark crime story. It was Christmas Eve, and most people celebrated except Madge Oranmore. She and the good doctor Wiseman were planning to kill a daughter-in-law and her young child. That night before Christmas, two children remained on the beach.

    okładka Magdalen’s Vow, Ebook | May Agnes Fleming

    This is a goose bump story. In early October, on one stormy night, when the wind blew into a storm, and rain fell on her. The main character walked in all the rain from the station. This helped her strike a mortal blow. But she would still die. She didn’t want anything but to return to the old house and die.

    okładka A Mad Marriage, Ebook | May Agnes Fleming

    Mr. Gordon Carill marries Miss Rosamond Lovell, and then discovers that she is not the daughter of Colonel Lovell, but a girl with a low birth rate and a bad reputation, who was a concert singer. She is unusually beautiful, she is only eighteen years old, and the dark experiences of her past life, to put it mildly, had to hurry. In horror, she leaves her husband, who then pursues her.

Czym są ebooki?

Ebooki to książki, których treść została zapisana w formie elektronicznej. Są nazywane również e-książkami, publikacjami elektronicznymi czy książkami elektronicznymi. Ebooki można odczytywać na komputerach i laptopach, ale są one przeznaczone głównie do czytania na urządzeniach przenośnych takich jak smartfony, tablety i przede wszystkim czytniki książek elektronicznych. Ebooki posiadające swoje pierwowzory w formie papierowej są jej odwzorowaniem. Posiadają wszystkie elementy obecne w „tradycyjnej” wersji, takie jak okładkę, ilustracje, spis treści, przypisy itp.

Niepodważalną zaletą ebooków jest to, że w odróżnieniu od drukowanej książki można w nich zmieniać rodzaj oraz wielkość czcionki, formatować tekst, a w zależności od posiadanego czytnika istnieje też możliwość wyszukiwania pojedynczych słów w tekście, dodawania zakładek i robienia notatek.

Formaty ebooków

Ebooki są dostępne w wielu formatach. Najpopularniejsze z nich, będące standardem dla publikacji elektronicznych, to EPUB, MOBI i PDF.


To nowoczesny format będący standardem publikacji ebooków. Format EPUB umożliwia zmienianie wielkości fontu, co pomaga dopasować jego rozmiar do ekranu. Ebooki w tym formacie najlepiej odczytywać na urządzeniach posiadających ekran eINK (elektroniczny papier), chociaż można je odczytać także na smartfonie czy tablecie. Format EPUB jest możliwy do odczytania na komputerze, jednak do tego celu konieczne jest zainstalowanie właściwego oprogramowania.


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To format zapewniający taki sam wygląd strony jak w wersji papierowej – w tym formacie podział na strony jest sztywny. PDF służy do długoterminowego archiwizowania elektronicznych danych i może być odczytywany na większości komputerów, laptopów, smartfonów, czytników czy tabletów.