This monograph analyses the way that Jews were portrayed in various scholarly journals and lay gazettes published in French in the United Provinces of the Netherlands, mostly by Huguenot refugees. Many of these sources have previously escaped scholarly attention, and as such are valuable sources for exploration. The scholarly journals are mostly focused on the discussion of historical and theological aspects of Jewish people and Judaism, the origins of their lan...
Przystąpienie Stanów Zjednoczonych do drugiej wojny światowej zapewniło koalicji alianckiej potężne wsparcie przemysłowe Ameryki i umożliwiło przejęcie inicjatywy strategicznej w walkach z Niemcami i Japonią na różnych kontynentach. W latach 1939–1945 w Stanach Zjednoczonych wyprodukowano 88 140 czołgów oraz 18 620 innych pojazdów opancerzonych – prawie dwukrotnie więcej niż w tym samym czasie w Niemczech i Wielkiej Brytanii razem wziętych. W tej bogato ilustrowanej książce ...
This monograph analyses the way that Jews were portrayed in various scholarly journals and lay gazettes published in French in the United Provinces of the Netherlands, mostly by Huguenot refugees. Many of these sources have previously escaped scholarly attention, and as such are valuable sources for exploration. The scholarly journals are mostly focused on the discussion of historical and theological aspects of Jewish people and Judaism, the origins of their language and its ...