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Contemporary challenges of spatial planning in tourism destinations autor zbiorowy ebook

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The book entitled “Contemporary challenges of spatial planning in tourism destinations” compares the different contexts for spatial planning and how they approach tourism-related issues in selected European countries, namely Italy, Norway, Poland, Portugal and Turkey. Each chapter starts with a presentation of the overall profile of the investigated country. The chapters then consider the following contexts of spatial planning of tourism destinations: legal regulations of spatial planning, long-term strategy for spatial planning, public participation in spatial planning, and the main challenges of spatial planning of tourism destinations. The publication ends with an overarching discussion focusing on the various challenges that affect sustainable spatial planning of tourism destinations in the countries under consideration. The book was edited by Tomasz Napierała and Katarzyna Leśniewska-Napierała (both from University of Lodz), and Giancarlo Cotella (Politecnico di Torino). The publication is the output of the international project SPOT – Sustainable Spatial Planning of Tourism Destinations, supported by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Programme (2019-1-PL01-KA203-064946).

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Contemporary challenges of spatial planning in tourism destinations

Contemporary challenges of spatial planning in tourism destinations

autor zbiorowy,

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