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Poland's Foreign Policy after 1989 Roman Kuźniar ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

Dodano do koszyka


Opis treści

The first monograph about the Polish foreign policy after 1989. Roman Kuźniar focuses on the main challenges of the period in question: regaining sovereignty and establishing a solid foundation for Poland’s security as well as economic and civilisational development. The successes in these areas made Poland regain the freedom to operate in the international arena. The author combined a regular lecture on foreign policy with his critical commentary.

This book is concerned with the real foreign policy, i.e. the one that Poland has actually been pursuing (the “positive” policy rather than the postulated one). What this is not, then, is a study of accompanying concepts, options, criticisms or debate. While always interesting and at times fascinating, these threads are only referred to intermittently here (Roman Kuźniar).

„Poland's Foreign Policy after 1989”, Roman Kuźniar – jak czytać ebook?

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razem z Lubimy Czytać
Poland's Foreign Policy after 1989

Poland's Foreign Policy after 1989

Roman Kuźniar,

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