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Social Actors in the Housing Policy Process Aleksandra Zubrzycka-Czarnecka ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Opis treści

The main issue of the research in this work is involvement of social actors in the housing policy process. The literature review leads the author to conclude that in housing studies there exists a conceptual gap concerning knowledge about the role of social actors in the housing policy process. The gap is particularly apparent when one attempts to examine the housing policy process in the light of the concept of deliberative democracy. Furthermore, there are no research tools in housing studies that would make it possible to grasp the involvement of social actors in the housing policy process. The research problem in this work is formulating a research scheme which would enable to examine the involvement of social actors in the housing policy process and enrich housing studies with possibility to benefit more from the constructivist approach. The theoretical and methodological aim of this dissertation is to obtain a broader and deeper insight into the role of social actors in the housing policy process by expanding the author’s ‘D-Housing’ scheme. 

„Social Actors in the Housing Policy Process”, Aleksandra Zubrzycka-Czarnecka – jak czytać ebook?

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Social Actors in the Housing Policy Process

Social Actors in the Housing Policy Process

Aleksandra Zubrzycka-Czarnecka,

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