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    okładka The Devil in Iron, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    The fisherman loosened his knife in its scabbard. The gesture was instinctive, for what he feared was nothing a knife could slay, not even the saw-edged crescent blade of the Yuetshi that could disembowel a man with an upward stroke. Neither man nor beast threatened him in the solitude which brooded over the castellated isle of Xapur.

    okładka The Hour of the Dragon, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    The long tapers flickered, sending the black shadows wavering along the walls, and the velvet tapestries rippled. Yet there was no wind in the chamber. Four men stood about the ebony table on which lay the green sarcophagus that gleamed like carven jade. In the upraised right hand of each man a curious black candle burned with a weird greenish light. Outside was night and a lost wind moaning among the black trees.

    okładka The Black Stranger, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    The Black Stranger"is one of the stories byRobert E. HowardaboutConan the Cimmerian. It was written in the 1930s but not published in his lifetime. When the original Conan version of the story failed to find a publisher, Howard rewrote „The Black Stranger” into a piraticalTerence Vulmeastory entitled „Swords of the Red Brotherhood.”

    okładka The Adventures of Solomon Kane, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    Before Robert E. Howard wrote of „Conan the Cimmerian”, he wrote of the swashbuckler Solomon Kane. „The Adventures of Solomon Kane” takes you through Howard’s horrific and fantastic world of swords and sorcery, the world of ancient secrets and the monsters that live in the jungles of Africa where Kane vanquishes evil. Here are shudder-inducing tales of vengeful ghosts and bloodthirsty demons, of dark sorceries wielded by evil men and women, all opposed by a grim avenger arm...

    okładka The Conan Saga, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    This collection contains all of Robert E. Howard’s Conan the Cimmerian stories published during his lifetime, contextualized with biographical details of their author. His Conan stories feature a young barbarian warrior who carves himself a kingdom and rules with a degree of wisdom and justice. Neither supernatural fiends nor demonic sorcery could oppose the warrior as he wielded his mighty sword and dispatched his enemies to a bloody doom on the battlefields of the legenda...

    okładka Red Nails, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    Red Nails is the last of the stories about Conan the Cimmerian written by American author Robert E. Howard. A novella, it was originally serialized in Weird Tales magazine from July to October 1936. It is set in the pseudohistorical Hyborian Age and concerns Conan encountering a lost city in which the degenerate inhabitants are proactively resigned to their own destruction. Due to its grim themes of decay and death, the story is considered a classic of Conan lore and is oft...

    okładka Kings of the Night, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    The dagger flashed downward. A sharp cry broke in a gasp. The form on the rough altar twitched convulsively and lay still. The jagged flint edge sawed at the crimsoned breast, and thin bony fingers, ghastly dyed, tore out the still- twitching heart. Under matted white brows, sharp eyes gleamed with a ferocious intensity.

    okładka Shadows in Zamboula, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    Shadows in Zamboula is one of the original stories by Robert E. Howard about Conan the Cimmerian, first published in Weird Tales in November, 1935. Its original title was „The Man-Eaters of Zamboula”. The story takes place over the course of a night in the desert city of Zamboula, with political intrigue amidst streets filled with roaming cannibals. It features the character Baal-pteor, one of the few humans in the Conan stories to be a physical challenge for the main Cimme...

    okładka Jewels of Gwahlur, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    The cliffs rose sheer from the jungle, towering ramparts of stone that glinted jade-blue and dull crimson in the rising sun, and curved away and away to east and west above the waving emerald ocean of fronds and leaves. It looked insurmountable, that giant palisade with its sheer curtains of solid rock in which bits of quartz winked dazzlingly in the sunlight. But the man who was working his tedious way upward was already halfway to the top.

    okładka Rogues in the House, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    Rogues in the House is one of the original short stories starring the fictional sword and sorcery hero Conan the Cimmerian, written by American author Robert E. Howard and first published in Weird Tales magazine in January 1934. It is set in the pseudo-historical Hyborian Age and concerns Conan inadvertently becoming involved in the power play between two powerful men fighting for control of a city. It was the seventh Conan story Howard had published.

    okładka Red Shadows, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    The moonlight shimmered hazily, making silvery mists of illusion among the shadowy trees. A faint breeze whispered down the valley, bearing a shadow that was not of the moon-mist. A faint scent of smoke was apparent. The man whose long, swinging strides, unhurried yet unswerving, had carried him for many a mile since sunrise, stopped suddenly. A movement in the trees had caught his attention, and he moved silently toward the shadows, a hand resting lightly on the hilt of hi...

    okładka Iron Shadows in the Moon, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    Shadows in the Moonlight is one of the original short stories starring the fictional sword and sorcery hero Conan the Cimmerian, written author Robert E. Howard and first published in Weird Tales magazine in April 1934. Howard originally named his story „Iron Shadows in the Moon”. It is set in the pseudo-historical Hyborian Age and concerns Conan escaping to a remote island in the Vilayet Sea where he encounters the Red Brotherhood, a skulking creature, and mysterious iron ...

    okładka Conan the Conqueror, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    In this final (chronologically) Conan story, Howard demonstrates why he was one of the best adventure writers of all time. In the only novel he ever produced, Howard is able to maintain the blistering pace he is known for, while still weaving a complex and interesting tale. The story is set during Conan’s time as King of Aquilonia, which is a period in the hero’s life often overlooked.

    okładka Black Colossus, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    A powerful wizard named Thugra Khotan is awoken from his three-thousand year sleep by an audacious yet unlucky Zamoran thief named Shevatas. Thugra wakes with dreams of world domination. He assumes the name Natohk, the Veiled One, gathers an army of desert tribes and sets out to conquer the Hyborian nations.

    okładka Conrad and Kirowan, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    Professor John Kirowan is a fictional character from Robert E. Howard’s contributions to H.P. Lovecraft’s story cycle „the Cthulhu Mythos”. Kirowan is often partnered with the character John Conrad, to the extent that these stories are often referred to under the group title Conrad & Kirowan. Professor Kirowan is a younger son of a titled Irish family and a scholar of the Mythos who travelled widely in search of forbidden knowledge. His ancestor, Sir Michael Kirowan was...

    okładka Black Canaan, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    Good collection of stories. Black Canaan is a favorite of mine. I have some doubts that REH would have finished „The House” with the suicide of John Conrad, but it is a Lovecraftian ending (Augest Derleth finished the REH fragment in this volume).

    okładka Beyond the Black River, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    A young settler named Balthus walks blissfully unaware through a forest trail when the sound of combat draws his attention. He hides behind a tree and sees Conan step into the open, having just slain a Pictish robber who was about to ambush Balthus. Conan had been tracking the Pict for some hours, as he has been chasing the encroaching Picts on commission from nearby Fort Tuscelan.

    okładka Almuric and Other Fantasies, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    An Earthman transported to Almuric, a remote alien world where he must contend with apelike humans, winged monsters, and other sinister forces. Robert E. Howard’s collection of fantastic fantasy science fiction short stories will not fail to entertain!

    okładka Almuric, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    The creator of Conan looks to the stars in one of fantasy’s most enduring science fantasy classics! Robert E. Howard’s Almuric is a savage planet of crumbling stone ruins and debased, near-human inhabitants. Into this world comes Esau Cairn, Earthman, swordsman, murderer. Only he can overthrow the terrible devils that enslave Almuric, but to do so he must first defeat the inner demons that forced him to abandon Earth.

    okładka Skórzany lejek. The Leather Funnel, Ebook | Arthur Conan Doyle

    „Skórzany lejek” to krótka, raczej upiorna opowieść, która koncentruje się na wizji snu, która nawiązuje do czasów, w tym przypadku do XVII wieku, kiedy ludzi torturowano przy pomocy najbardziej wyszukanych metod. Jak można się spodziewać, jest to bardzo dobrze napisana i interesująca opowieść – jakby gotycka wersja niesławnego historycznego przypadku markiza de Brinvillliersa. Historia opowiadała o gościu, który odwiedził dom angielskiego kolekcjonera niezwykły...

    okładka Tajemnicze krainy. The Land of Mist, Ebook | Arthur Conan Doyle

    Książka w dwóch wersjach językowych: polskiej i angielskiej. A dual Polish-English language edition. „Kraina mgieł” jest trzecią z cyklu książką opowiadającą o perypetiach profesora Challengera, jego współtowarzysza dziennikarza Malone’a i miłośnika przygód lorda Roxtona, których można było wcześniej spotkać w powieściach „Zaginiony świat” i „Trujące pasmo”. W tej powieści wkroczymy jednak nie w świat materialny, chociaż różniący się od tego, w którym żyjemy,...

    okładka Rzut oka na dzieje orfiki w starożytności i w nowszych czasach, Ebook | Stanisław Schneider

    UWAGA! e-book jest skanem zapisanym w formacie PDF. Plik pdf uniemożliwia przeszukiwanie i kopiowanie tekstu. REPRINT. Z wprowadzenia: „Był czas, niepowrotnie miniony, kiedy to greckość starano się estetycznie pojmować i dopatrywać się w kulturze helleńskiej, zwłaszcza w sztuce, harmonii życia i piękna. która zapewne była udziałem nielicznych poszczególnych jednostek i gościła na szczytach społeczeństwa, nie potrafiła jednak przeniknąć do dolin, by u...

    okładka Koniec świata według przepowiedni św. Malachiasza i innych, Ebook | Józef Jankowski

    UWAGA! e-book jest skanem zapisanym w formacie PDF. Plik pdf uniemożliwia przeszukiwanie i kopiowanie tekstu. REPRINT. Mieszkańcy francuskiego miasta Tuluzy z drugiej połowy XIX wieku znali dobrze charakterystyczną wyniosłą postać, o rysach ascety i arystokraty zarazem, sędziwego księdza de La Tour de Noe. Wyzuty przez rewolucje z dóbr rodowych hrabia de Noe, jako ksiądz i erudyta osiadł w Tuluzie i poświęcił się studiom iście benedyktyńskim, w pyle ...

    okładka Duchy. Część I, II i III, Ebook | Aleksander Świętochowski

    UWAGA! e-book jest skanem zapisanym w formacie PDF. Plik pdf uniemożliwia przeszukiwanie i kopiowanie tekstu. REPRINT. Aleksander Świętochowski (1849-1938) – polski pisarz, publicysta, filozof i historyk, aforysta, krytyk, publicysta polityczny, działacz społeczny. Twórczość Świętochowskiego obejmuje dzieła o tematyce filozoficzno-moralnej oraz historii idei. (za: https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksander_Świętochowski). Niniejsza publikacja to znak...