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Charles Williams - książki, ebooki i audiobooki

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    okładka Judgment at Chelmsford, Ebook | Charles Williams

    „Judgement at Chelmsford” is a pageant play, written for a church setting. The author Charles Williams (1886-1945), who was a British theologian, playwright, novelist and poet, was commissioned to produce this play to mark the 25th anniversary of The Diocese of Chelmsford in 1939. In it, he created a huge, sprawling drama about the history of Chelmsford. Eight episodes, a prologue and epilogue, make this a formidable work. It was intended to be a large-scale pageant play an...

    okładka Shadows of Ecstasy, Ebook | Charles Williams

    The plot of Shadows of Ecstasy is based on the fact that the madman decided to destroy Western civilization. The author could easily punish such a madman. However, as in many of his stories, a person receives forgiveness from God. The plot of the novel is tense, supporters of paganism are trying to protect their world.

    okładka Descent into Hell, Ebook | Charles Williams

    It is possible only on the fingers to list the authors who can write really ingenious novels. One of these authors is Charles Williams. Descent into Hell – one of his greatest novels. The story of the people who struggle with the inner „I”, they are closed in themselves. The story of how a person can choose their happiness in exchange for the misfortune of another.

    okładka The Greater Trumps, Ebook | Charles Williams

    ”Great trump cards” – a novel, brilliantly built on the basis of an ancient deck of tarot cards. This novel is filled with secrets, there are various signs, symbols, riddles. Everyone has different opinions about these secrets, no one can come to a common opinion. Witchcraft can still kill, and the supernatural must be defeated by the supernatural.

    okładka Many Dimensions, Ebook | Charles Williams

    The main task of Charles Williams was to show that man must obey God. The main thing in „Many Dimensions” is the all-powerful stone that can fulfill any desire. Above of all, „Many Dimensions” is a complex image of good and evil. Williams fascinatingly shows how evil is not in a particular thing, but in what we do with these things.

    okładka War in Heaven, Ebook | Charles Williams

    ”War in Heaven” is a horrific romance, with many mythical creatures present. Instead of creating a unique secondary fantasy world or switching between two universes, Williams allows the supernatural to invade his modern world. This allows him to explore the influence of another reality on different characters. The object that guides the supernatural to the natural in this novel is the Holy Grail

    okładka The Place of the Lion, Ebook | Charles Williams

    Charles Williams is able to create wonderful ghostly episodes – powerful moments of disclosure. In the novel The Place of the Lion, the world of feelings is depicted as an illusion – simply a reflection of the „real world” from which it originates. This makes some absolutely fascinating scenes, as people suddenly face a reality that they cannot understand. The book raises some interesting questions about good and evil.

    okładka All Hallows’ Eve, Ebook | Charles Williams

    The novels of Charles Williams are fascinating. The novels are strange behind the plot. For example, All Hallows ’Eve is about a couple in love who are in danger. Strange things happen to lovers.

    okładka Wojna w niebie, Ebook | Charles Williams

    Kiedy zło wyłazi z zakamarków ludzkiego umysłu… Pracownikami pewnego londyńskiego wydawnictwa wstrząsa okrutne morderstwo dokonane w jednym z pokojów jego siedziby. W dodatku okazuje się, ze z przygotowywanej do wydania książki niespodziewanie znika akapit dotyczący miejsca ukrycia mitycznego Świętego Graala. Za tym dziwnym „zbiegiem okoliczności” stoi niezwykle niebezpieczna grupa oddanych złu magów, która uwalnia potężne mroczne siły. Wojna w niebie to najgłośniejszy thr...

    okładka Wojna w niebie, Książka | Charles Williams

    Kiedy zło wyłazi z zakamarków ludzkiego umysłu… Pracownikami pewnego londyńskiego wydawnictwa wstrząsa okrutne morderstwo dokonane w jednym z pokojów jego siedziby. W dodatku okazuje się, ze z przygotowywanej do wydania książki niespodziewanie znika akapit dotyczący miejsca ukrycia mitycznego Świętego Graala. Za tym dziwnym „zbiegiem okoliczności” stoi niezwykle niebezpieczna grupa oddanych złu magów, która uwalnia potężne mroczne siły. Wojna w niebie to najgłośniejszy thrill...