Grant Allen - książki, ebooki i audiobooki

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    okładka Milioner w opałach, Ebook | Grant Allen

    Starcie dwóch charakterów. Pułkownik Cuthbert Clay jest genialnym oszustem i mistrzem maskarady. Sir Charles Vandrift to z kolei biznesmen z krwi i kości, właściciel kopalni diamentów w Afryce. Pierwszy ma chrapkę na majątek drugiego - by przejąć miliony, sięga po najwymyślniejsze środki. Ma też asa w rękawie, pomocnicę Madame Picardet, której wdziękom nie sposób się oprzeć. Dla miłośników powieści awanturniczo-kryminalnej spod znaku Edgara Wallace'a.

    okładka The Woman Who Did, Ebook | Grant Allen

    In 1895, this scandalous book titled „The Woman Who Did” by Grant Allen promulgating certain startling views on marriage and kindred questions, became a bestseller. The book told the story of an independent, young, self-assured middle-class woman who has a child out of wedlock. Herminia Barton, Cambridge-educated daughter of the Dean of Dunwich, is more determined than most to arrange her own life. She accordingly enters into a relationship outside marriage with one of her ...

    okładka Linnet, Ebook | Grant Allen

    Originally published in 1900, „Linnet, A Romance” is a classic romance novel by noted author Charles Grant Blairfindie Allen. Two young English tourists come to a little mountain village Tyrol where they find the Tyrolese in all their native simplicity; the young men, with the pride and aspirations of the hunter, who dance wildly and make love fiercely, and the maidens of easy virtue who tend their cows in the summer and serve a master in the village through the long winter...

    okładka An African Millionaire, Ebook | Grant Allen

    Colonel Cuthbert Clay is a master of disguise and an ingenious con man who sets his sights on the South African Millionaire, Sir Charles Vandrift, a millionaire owner of diamond mines in Africa. Each chapter brings new cringing on the reader’s part as we realize before Charles does that he is about to be a victim anew. As his South African diamond fortune takes hit after hit from the quick-witted master of disguise, the author leaves even the reader guessing: who can you tr...