L. Frank Baum Ebooki

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    okładka Sky Island, Ebook | L. Frank Baum

    „Sky Island” was the second of three titles written by Baum featuring a spunky girl from California, Trot, and her companion, the old sailorman, Cap’n Bill. L. Frank Baum had hoped to end the Oz series and introduced Trot and Cap’n Bill in „The Sea Fairies”. In „Sky Island”, Button Bright has found a magic umbrella, which allows him to go anyplace in the world in seconds. He meets Trot and Cap’n Bill during his adventures, and the three decide to go to „Sky Island”, and sma...

    okładka Szmaragdowe miasto Krainy Oz, Ebook | L. Frank Baum

    Jest to dalsza część przygód Dorotki, z którą czytelnicy spotkali się już w „Zadziwiającym czarodzieju z Krainy Oz” i „Ozmie z Krainy Oz”.Obecne przygody są nie mniej barwne i tak samo zadziwiające. Król Gnomów nie może pogodzić się ze swoją porażką w konflikcie z Dorotką i Ozmą i postanawia zniszczyć całą Zaczarowaną Krainę Oz. Nowy dowódca armii jest takim samym okrutnikiem, a ponadto przebiegłym chytrusem. Do ataku na spokojnych mieszkańców Krainy Oz przygotowuje nie tylko...

    okładka The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus, Ebook | L. Frank Baum

    Every child knows about Santa Claus, the jolly man who brings gifts to all on Christmas. There are many stories that tell of his life, but the delightful version relayed in „The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus” is by far the most charming and original of all. Orphaned at an infant Claus is found and raised in the magical Forest of Burzee by a wood-nymph Necile, who convinces the great Ak to allow her to raise Claus for her own. As he grows older he meets his fellow human...

    okładka Sam Steele’s Adventures in Panama, Ebook | L. Frank Baum

    Sam Steele is now captain of a ship – an old and battered craft, but his own command. He is sailing it around South America to California. A storm forces Sam’s ship to the Panamanian coast. There, the travelers encounter the Techla Indians, descendants of the Aztecs. The Techlas are hostile to outsiders; Sam and his crew are tempted by the Indians’ abundant gold and gems. Traveling ashore in Moit’s amphibious auto, the Americans attempt to manipulate the Techla, without suc...

    okładka The Boy Fortune Hunters in the South Seas, Ebook | L. Frank Baum

    If you like the books by Iain Lawrence „The Wreckers”, „The Smugglers”, and „The Buccaneers” you’ll love the adventures of Sam Steele. „The Boy Fortune Hunters” series began in 1906 with the novel „Sam Steele’s Adventures on Land and Sea” (later re-published as „The Boy Fortune Hunters in Alaska”). The series lasted six novels, ending in 1911 with the novel „The Boy Fortune Hunters in the South Seas”. Here, Sam Steele and crew are shipwrecked on a forbidding and mysterious ...

    okładka The Boy Fortune Hunters in Egypt, Ebook | L. Frank Baum

    Writing under a pseudonym, the prolific „Wizard of Oz” author created a series of far-flung adventure tales starring Sam Steele, a resourceful young sailor. In this story of mystery, deceit, and murder, Sam and his companions seek the legendary wealth of Karnak – a 2,000-year-old treasure buried in the desert sands. The adventure begins when Sam rescues an escaped cabin boy from a sinking dinghy in Boston Harbor. Runaway Joe Herring, along with pampered aristocrat Archie Ac...

    okładka Tik-Tok of Oz, Ebook | L. Frank Baum

    Lyman Frank Baum penned fourteen novels in his famous „Oz” chronology. For the second time a little girl from the United States comes to Oz. The story begins in a faraway corner of Oz, in the small country of Oogaboo. There, Queen Ann Soforth musters an unlikely army and sets off to conquer the rest of Oz. Meanwhile, a girl Betsy Bobbin from Oklahoma and her companion, Hank the mule, are shipwrecked in the Nonestic Ocean. The two drift to shore in the Rose Kingdom, a magica...

    okładka The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Ebook | L. Frank Baum

    In the first of L. Frank Baum’s time-Honoréd „Oz” novels, country girl Dorothy Gale and her little dog Toto are caught in a tornado, they and their Kansas farmhouse are suddenly transported to the fantastical Land of Oz where Munchkins live, monkeys fly and Wicked Witches rule, wild beasts talk, silver shoes have magic powers, and good witches offer protection with a kiss. Desperate to return to her native Kansas, and, aided by the Good Witch of the North, she and Toto – to...

    okładka Czarnoksiężnik z krainy Oz, Ebook | L. Frank Baum

    „Czarnoksiężnik z krainy Oz” to klasyczna opowieść o przygodzie, odwadze i odkrywaniu własnej siły. Dorotka, porwana przez tornado, trafia do tajemniczej krainy Oz. W towarzystwie Tchórzliwego Lwa, Stracha na Wróble i Blaszanego Drwala, dziewczynka wyrusza na poszukiwanie Wielkiego Czarnoksiężnika Oz, jedynego, który może pomóc jej wrócić do domu. Na każdym kroku tej niezwykłej podróży spotka magiczne istoty i stanie przed wyzwaniami, które nauczą ją, że prawdziwa magia tkwi ...

    okładka Sam Steele’s Adventures on Land and Sea, Ebook | L. Frank Baum

    L. Frank Baum, the author of the famous „Oz” books, wrote a number of series for children (and occasionally, books for older readers) under a variety of pseudonyms. Among those you can find many examples of adventure fiction, including this, the inaugural title of the „Sam Steele” series. Sam Steele is the son of a sea captain; his father is reported killed in a shipwreck, and Sam is quickly cheated of his inheritance. Now an orphan, he meets his maternal uncle, Naboth Perk...

    okładka The Patchwork Girl of Oz, Ebook | L. Frank Baum

    Ojo the Unlucky, a Munchkin boy raised in isolation in the Blue Forest by his taciturn Unc Nunkie, finds himself setting out on a quest through the wider world of Oz in this seventh entry in L. Frank Baum’s series about that magical country. The reader accompanies Ojo, the Glass Cat and the Patchwork Girl on a journey to find five magic items in the wonderful Land of Oz to restore to life Ojo’s Uncle Nunkie and the Crooked Magician’s wife, Margolotte, who turn to marble whe...

    okładka The Magic of Oz, Ebook | L. Frank Baum

    In this witty and imaginative tale, the Royal Historian of Oz, L. Frank Baum, takes young readers back across The Great Sandy Desert for more exciting adventures in the wondrous Land of Oz. Old friends such as Dorothy, the Wizard, and the Cowardly Lion reappear, along with endearing new characters – the Glass Cat, the Hungry Tiger, Little Trot, Cap’n Bill, the Lonesome Duck, and others. In this story, Ozma’s kingdom is threatened once again by Nome Ruggedo, the dastardly fo...

    okładka The Last Egyptian, Ebook | L. Frank Baum

    When Gerald Winston, an English Egyptologist travelling on the Nile, meets Kara, who claims to be the last descendant of a royal Egyptian family, the scientist’s curiosity is sparked by the story Kara tells. Is it true that Kara’s ancestor Ahtka-Ra, High Priest of Ămen, ruled Rameses II as his puppet? As Winston tries to learn more about the strange Egyptian and his mysterious tale, he is drawn into Kara’s insidious intrigues. A complex tale of embezzlement, forgery, arrang...

    okładka The Tin Woodman of Oz, Ebook | L. Frank Baum

    The Tin Woodman, assisted by Woot the Wanderer, the Scarecrow of Oz, and Polychrome, the Rainbow’s Daughter are on an adventure searching for the pretty Munchkin girl that the Tin Woodman loved before the Old Witch of the East turned his body to tin, causing him to lose his heart. In a series of adventures sure to thrill „Oz” fans both old and new, these beloved friends face such challenges as a selfish giantess and a group of quarrelsome dragons – all to fulfill a promise ...

    okładka The Scarecrow of Oz, Ebook | L. Frank Baum

    The ninth book the action of which takes place in the wonderful Land of Oz is indeed a masterpiece. The mix of Oz and non-Oz characters into one story was the result of the request made by Baum’s readers and a great invention that gave birth to a story that captivates any reader, child and adult alike. This was published in July 16, 1915 and has been on record as being Baum’s personal favorite of his series. The story this time around revolves around Scarecrow and his adven...

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