Arsène Lupin (także Arseniusz Lupin) to dżentelmen włamywacz, bohater licznych powieści i opowiadań francuskiego pisarza Maurice’a Leblanca. Jest mistrzem charakteryzacji. Potrafi znaleźć wyjście z każdej, nawet najbardziej beznadziejnej sytuacji. Żyje z kradzieży, ale jego ofiarami padają zawsze złoczyńcy. Działając poza prawem, wymierza im sprawiedliwość. W tomie znalazły się następujące powieści i zbiory opowiadań: „Arsène Lupin, dżentelmen włamywacz”, „Arsène Lupin kont...
„Złoty trójkąt” to dwuczęściowa powieść autorstwa Maurice’a Leblanca opowiadająca o przygodach Arsène’a Lupin. Akcja powieści rozgrywa się w czasie I wojny światowej w Paryżu. Oficer armii francuskiej, weteran wojenny, kapitan Patrycjusz Belval leczy swoje rany w paryskim lazarecie. Poznaje tam Koralię – młodą i piękną pielęgniarkę, w której się od razu zakochuje. Jest ona żoną nieuczciwego bankiera Essaresa, który chce wywieść nielegalnie z Francji ogromny majątek w złocie...
„Zęby tygrysa” to dwuczęściowa powieść autorstwa Maurice’a Leblanca opowiadająca o przygodach Arsène’a Lupin. Jej akcja rozgrywa się w 1919 r., tuż po zakończeniu I wojny światowej, w trakcie pandemii grypy hiszpanki. W tym to czasie umiera amerykański milioner Cosmo Mornington. Nie wszyscy wierzą, że była to śmierć naturalna. Tuż bowiem przed swoją śmiercią Amerykanin zobligował swego przyjaciela don Luisa Perennę, by ten odnalazł jego spadkobierców. Jeśliby jednak tacy si...
Arsène Lupin est un personnage de fiction français créé par Maurice Leblanc. Ce gentleman cambrioleur est particulièrement connu pour son talent à user de déguisements et changer d’identité pour commettre ses délits. Le livre comprend les ouvrages suivants: Arsène Lupin gentleman-cambrioleur; Arsène Lupin contre Herlock Sholmès; L’Aiguille creuse; 813; Le Bouchon de cristal; Les Confidences d’Arsène Lupin; L’Éclat d’obus; Le Triangle d’Or; L’Île aux trente cercueils; Les De...
Arsène Lupin is a fictional gentleman thief and master of disguise created by French writer Maurice Leblanc. Arsène Lupin is a literary descendant of Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail’s fictional character Rocambole. Like him, he is often a force for good, while operating on the wrong side of the law. Those whom Lupin defeats are worse villains than he is. The book includes the following works: The Extraordinary Adventures of Arsène Lupin, Gentleman Burglar; Arsène Lupin Vers...
Koleje losu ludzi w obliczu doniosłych, zmieniających bieg historii wydarzeń, często ulegają sile wyobraźni ich badaczy. Prawda czeka cierpliwie na swój triumf, schowana między licznymi plotkami i legendami, które wyrosły wokół niej. W przypadku dramatu rozegranego 4 marca, decydujące znaczenie będą miały słowa Szymona Dubosc - bohatera nie do końca z przypadku, a z pewnością odznaczającego się odwagą i pomysłowością. Chęć poznania szczegółów tego wyjątkowego dnia, może jed...
Na ścianie budynku, służącego niegdyś za laboratorium słynnego naukowca, od pewnego czasu pojawiają się tajemnicze obrazy. Ukazują one autentyczne wydarzenia zarówno z przeszłości, jak i teraźniejszości. Rozwikłania zagadki z młodzieńczych lat, podejmuje się Wiktoryn Beaugrand - świadek tych niesamowitych, paranormalnych zdarzeń. Ich sekret okaże się jednak bardzo pilnie strzeżony. W niniejszej publikacji zachowano oryginalną pisownię....
Zbiór powieści i opowiadań kryminalnych, których bohaterem jest dżentelmen-włamywacz Arsène Lupin. Stworzona przez francuskiego pisarza Maurice’a Leblanca postać to szarmancki, inteligentny mistrz charakteryzacji, czuły na wdzięki kobiet, potrafiący znaleźć wyjście z każdej, nawet najbardziej beznadziejnej sytuacji. Żyje z kradzieży, ale jego ofiarami padają zawsze złoczyńcy. Działając poza prawem, wymierza im sprawiedliwość. W multibooku znalazło się 7 największych powieśc...
Arsene Lupin – le charmant héros des romans policiers de l’écrivain français Maurice Leblanc. Lupin révele des crimes enchevetrés, vole habilement des bijoux, laissant la police dans le froid. Lupin – choquant, rusé, mais rien de plus. Nous comprenons qu’il y aura un crime, que Lupin le commet, il n’est pas toujours vrai de savoir comment il peut le faire. Il entre en concurrence avec le détective, essayant de se cacher de lui.
Lupin is back after apparently dying in the assault on the hollow needle in the previous novel – but this time, he appears to be a murderer! The mystery, written before the Great War, involves finding a package of letters once written to Bismarck, locating a clock on which the number 813 has significance, as well as causing a reigning emperor to make several journeys incognito. And Lupin, the clever but patriotic French thief, does engage with them and also with the French ...
A classic novel blending romance, adventure, and science fiction, „"The Tremendous Event"” is sure to appeal to fans of Leblanc’s detective fiction. This romantic adventure novel set after the ocean floor beneath the English Channel emerges and links Britain and France. During the chaos following the disaster bands of vicious criminals and looters roam the newly exposed land. Maurice Marie Émile Leblanc was a novelist and writer of short stories, known primarily as the crea...
Prince Renine alias Arsene Lupin is an amateur detective who teams up with a lady named Hortense Daniel. „The Eight Strokes of the Clock” is a collection of eight short stories by Maurice Leblanc (Alexander Teixeira De Mottos translation). The stories have his most famous creation, Arsene Lupin, gentleman-thief, as main character. While exploring an old tower, Renine and Hortense discover a clock that strikes eight after Renine removes a telescope from inside it. So Renine ...
If you enjoy the Sherlock Holmes series, then Arsene Lupin will be another detective series for your library. Leblanc was a French novelist and short story writer known for creating the character Arsene Lupin, who is the French counterpart to the English Sherlock Holmes. In „The Blonde Lady: Being a Record of the Duel of Wits between Arsene Lupin and the English Detective” – the great French gentleman thief and the formidable English unofficial consulting detective go head-...
In „The Three Eyes”, author Maurice Leblanc veers away from the Sherlock Holmes-style mysteries that were long his stock-in-trade and mixes things up by introducing some science fiction elements. Maurice Leblanc was a 20th century French writer best known for his short stories. Leblanc’s first foray into pure science fiction. Scholar Dorgeroux dies before completing his mysterious message whether it’s a formula or the name of his murderer remains unclear. Added the mystery,...
A story of Arsene Lupin, the greatest, most ingenious and most daring criminal in modern fiction. Translated by Teixeira de Mattos Alexander, „The Hollow Needle” by Maurice Leblanc, is one of the many novels featuring the celebrated thief Arsene Lupin. Once again, Lupin crosses paths with the famous Holmlock Shears. The novel’s complex plot is made up of a number of interconnected threads, including a spate of thefts at a castle, the disappearance and apparent death of a yo...
A chance encounter irrevocably alters the course of one man’s life, and the tensions between France and Germany boil over... In „The Woman of Mystery”, Leblanc paints a wonderful tale of WWI in France, twined together with the mystery surrounding the murder of main character Paul’s father. Maurice Leblanc became famous for the creation of Arsene Lupin, a gentleman thief and master of disguise. Leblanc was born to a wealthy family, studied law, worked as a police reporter fo...
„The Teeth of the Tiger” was written in the year 1914 by Maurice Leblanc (translated by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos). Leblanc was a French novelist and short story writer known for creating the character Arsene Lupin, who is the French counterpart to the English Sherlock Holmes. This is one of three novels about Lupin written in World War 1. Complicated murder mystery in which Arsene Lupin, in his guise as a Spanish nobleman, gets embroiled in an inheritance mystery involv...
Arsene Lupin, Master Detective makes his reappearance in this thrilling romantic novel. He returns to a wild island stocked with druids, lost riches, and 30 coffins! Essentially, the complex plot revolves around Veronique, a young woman who travels to an isolated island off the coast of Brittany in search of her kidnapped son. She soon discovers that a terrible prophecy involving herself is about to come true. The island’s inhabitants believe that when the so called „Thirty...
A contemporary of Arthur Conan Doyle, Maurice Leblanc was the creator of the character of gentleman thief Arsene Lupin who, in France, has enjoyed a popularity as long-lasting and considerable as Sherlock Holmes in the English-speaking world. This is the delightful first of twenty volumes in the Arsene Lupin series written by Leblanc himself. The collection includes nine stories dealing with various complicated plots in which Lupin proves himself to be the consummate escape...
„The Crystal Stopper” is a ripping tale, with non-stop intrigue, action, twists and turns, and a healthy dose of Lupin humor. The story concerns the mysterious pursuit, appearances and disappearances and reappearances of a crystal decanter stopper. Why are so many people hot to get their hands on this seemingly worthless object? In a unique twist, the „villainous” Arsene Lupin becomes the hero of this novel when he faces a sly and blackmailing French deputy, Daubrecq, in a ...
If you think Maurice Leblanc’s literary output begins and ends with his series of mysteries featuring criminal mastermind Arsene Lupin, check out this tense thriller set in the years leading up to World War I. „The Frontier” is a classic war story and is that old idea of the conflict between the old and the new, between fathers and sons, and between the intense convictions of yesterday and tomorrow. The father is a rugged old French patriot who fought in the war with German...
The story takes place in 1915, WWI has just started, Arsene Lupin returns as war veteran Don Luis Perenna. He is called to uncover the details of the mysterious murder of a Moroccan man, Essares Bey, the disappearance of 300 Million Francs in Gold, and the connection between another war veteran, Captain Patrice Beval and a volunteer nurse working in a military hospital in Paris, affectionately known as Mother Coralie. But their lives are in danger, and Arsene takes it upon ...
Originally published in 1913, this grippling collection of Lupin short stories presents more puzzling criminal involvements of the classic French hero-thief and his men. It has been a fortnight since the baroness Repstein disappeared from Paris, taking with her a fortune in jewels stolen from her husband. French detectives have chased her all over Europe, following the trail of gemstones like so many precious breadcrumbs, but she has eluded their efforts. When Arsene Lupin ...
Leblanc’s creation, gentleman thief Arsene Lupin, is everything you would expect from a French aristocrat – witty, charming, brilliant, sly... and possibly the greatest thief in the world. „Arsene Lupin versus Herlock Sholmes” (Translator: George Morehead) is a collection of adventures which feature a match of wits between Lupin and Herlock Sholmes, a transparent reference to Sherlock Holmes, the hero of Conan Doyle’s detective stories. The novel consists of two closely lin...
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