okładka A Smile of Fortune ebook | epub, mobi | Joseph Conrad

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A Smile of Fortune Joseph Conrad ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Opis treści

„A Smile of Fortune” is located on a beautiful island in the Pacific Ocean, on which the narrator, captain docked; ship suppliers are supposedly brothers who have not talked to each other for 18 years. One of the brothers, Ernest, is an assimilated citizen. He owes a lot of money, has parties, has taste and manners, and is trusted. He treats the half-blood servants as cruelly as the rest of the colonists. Another, Arthur, is an outcast, not because of his race or profession, although he was forced to make aggressive deals by beating his brother for incoming captains in order to get food and equipment contracts earlier than his brother

„A Smile of Fortune”, Joseph Conrad – jak czytać ebook?

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Szczegółowe informacje na temat ebooka A Smile of Fortune

O autorze

Joseph Conrad

Joseph Conrad to jeden z najważniejszych pisarzy przełomu XIX i XX wieku. Jest autorem takich powieści jak „Jądro ciemności” i „Lord Jim”, które trwale wpisały się w kanon światowej literatury. Pisarz urodził się w 1857 roku w Berdyczowie jako...

    • A Smile of Fortune


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A Smile of Fortune

A Smile of Fortune

Joseph Conrad,

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