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okładka A Soldier and a Gentleman ebook | epub, mobi | Talbot Mundy

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A Soldier and a Gentleman Talbot Mundy ebook

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Opis treści

William Hulbert Footner was a Canadian writer of non-fiction and detective fiction. His most successful creation was the beautiful and brilliant Madame Rosika Storey and her plain assistant who explains the evolving solutions to her boss’ cases. His Madame Storey mysteries fit the flapping 1920s like the long lizard gloves that graced her arms and did well supporting his traveling family’s lifestyle. „Easy To Kill” is another mystery for the famous Mme. Storey to solve. Do you like the lifestyle in Newport? Mme. Storey prefers New York, for sure. Follow her in this investigation that is both dangerous and difficult. There are many twists and turns that keep it interesting.

„A Soldier and a Gentleman”, Talbot Mundy – jak czytać ebook?

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A Soldier and a Gentleman

A Soldier and a Gentleman

Talbot Mundy,

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