okładka African Studies Forging New Perspectives and Directions ebook | pdf | Nina Pawlak, Hanna Rubinkowska-Aniol, Izabela Will

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African Studies Forging New Perspectives and Directions Nina Pawlak, Hanna Rubinkowska-Aniol, Izabela Will ebook

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The idea for this book emerged as a result of the conference “African studies in the contemporary world”, hosted at the University of Warsaw on 14th October 2014, where some attitudes and methodologies representative for the topics undertaken by scholars dealing with present-day Africa were discussed. The main aim of the volume is to present a wide spectrum of interests and trends in contemporary African studies, including the application and incorporation of old and verified methods into contemporary frameworks that provide a pan-African perspective. Another aspect of African studies undertaken within this volume is the investigation of African history and cultures through post-colonial lenses. The contributions include extensive bibliographies significant both for the topics and for further research into new areas of African studies.


„African Studies Forging New Perspectives and Directions”, Nina Pawlak, Hanna Rubinkowska-Aniol, Izabela Will – jak czytać ebook?

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African Studies Forging New Perspectives and Directions

African Studies Forging New Perspectives and Directions

Nina Pawlak, Hanna Rubinkowska-Aniol, Izabela Will,

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