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Challenges of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Approach - New Horizons in Oriental Studies Praca Zbiorowa ebook

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The sixteen contributions included in the present volume cover a vast area of Oriental studies topics and show different approaches and methodologies applied by the authors. It is hoped that it will contribute to a better understanding of the new phase of Oriental studies.
The majority of the texts are based on papers read at the 8th and 9th International Conferences of Oriental Studies organized by the Committee of Oriental Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the Faculty of Oriental Studies of the University of Warsaw on November 25–26, 2019, and December 5–6, 2020, and one contribution (by Zuzanna Nabulssi) was additionally included in the volume as thematically relevant.

„Challenges of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Approach - New Horizons in Oriental Studies”, Praca Zbiorowa – jak czytać ebook?

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Challenges of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Approach - New Horizons in Oriental Studies

Challenges of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Approach - New Horizons in Oriental Studies

Praca Zbiorowa,

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