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Completed adulthood and public policies autor zbiorowy ebook

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Opis treści

The monograph is concerned with the phenomenon of transition to adulthood of young Poles and reaching the stage of completed adulthood, i.e. being economically and socially independent. The study is the first comprehensive presentation of this complex process in Poland by applying a sociological perspective, public policies analysis, assessments of young adults and representatives of institutions providing support for various life difficulties. The monograph is based primarily on qualitative (narrative and group interviews) and quantitative (statistical) data. The publication has a scientific and applied character. The book may be of interest to both academics, mainly sociologists, demographers and social politicians, as well as young people and practitioners involved in organising support for young people who experience difficulties in their everyday life during the transition to adulthood.


This is a pioneering book on the process of transition to stabilised/completed adulthood, socio­economic and family conditions and effects in a Poland undergoing profound economic, political and socio-cultural changes.

From the review by prof. Wielisława Warzywoda-Kruszyńska

The reviewed work emanates originality and a non-standard approach both to the theory, the research itself and the presentation of results. Reading this monograph […] leads to the conclusion thot there is no similar work in Poland, and one may risk a thesis that there is no similar work in the EU, and it is good that it will be published in English, inspiring researchers and analysts to […] reflect on life at different stages of development within the human life cycle.

From the review by prof. Krzysztof Czekaj

„Completed adulthood and public policies”, autor zbiorowy – jak czytać ebook?

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razem z Lubimy Czytać
Completed adulthood and public policies

Completed adulthood and public policies

autor zbiorowy,

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