okładka Love And Mr Lewisham ebook | epub, mobi | Herbert George Wells

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Love And Mr Lewisham The Story of a Very Young Couple Herbert George Wells ebook

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Opis treści

Mr. Lewisham is an ambitious young teacher who has grand plans for his future. Indeed he has written up a Plan or Schema as he calls it and has committed himself to daily study to improve himself. We follow him as he moves to London and becomes a student. He also gets married and the later part of the novel is about how his naive beliefs about himself and the world survive this transition. „Love and Mr. Lewisham” is the story of a young man who seeks to better himself and achieve glory through educational achievements. His love life, however, derails this ambition in several different ways. This is Wells’ exploration of the dilemmas of the young man torn between career and relationship, between duty and pleasure, between social responsibility and individual needs.

„Love And Mr Lewisham”, Herbert George Wells – jak czytać ebook?

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Szczegółowe informacje na temat ebooka Love And Mr Lewisham

O autorze

Herbert George Wells

H.G. Wells był brytyjskim pisarzem oraz biologiem, jednym z pionierów gatunku science fiction. Napisał ponad sześćdziesiąt książek - popularność zdobył przede wszystkim poprzez...

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Love And Mr Lewisham

Love And Mr Lewisham

Herbert George Wells,

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