okładka Prince Otto ebook | epub, mobi | Robert Louis Stevenson

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Prince Otto Robert Louis Stevenson ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Opis treści

In the historical novel „"Prince Otto"”, the romance of adventure is combined with the exact recreation of local color and historical setting. This novel is about Prince Otto, who is not very concerned about government affairs and problems, and he devotes all the time to hunting and other entertainments. Once during a hunt, he stumbles upon ordinary peasants who did not recognize him and agreed to shelter him for the night. During the evening dinner, the unrecognized prince tries to find out from the peasants what they think about their ruler, and those, as ordinary people, told him everything they think about Prince Otto.

„Prince Otto”, Robert Louis Stevenson – jak czytać ebook?

Ebooka „Prince Otto”, tak jak pozostałe książki w formacie elektronicznym przeczytacie w aplikacji mobilnej Woblink na Android lub iOS lub na innym urządzeniu obsługującym format epub lub mobi - czytnik ebooków (Pocketbook, Kindle, inkBook itd.), tablet, komputer etc. Czytaj tak, jak lubisz!

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Szczegółowe informacje na temat ebooka Prince Otto

    • Prince Otto


      24,90 zł  

    • bumerang

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Prince Otto

Prince Otto

Robert Louis Stevenson,

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