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Radicalization at High Speed Terrorism and the Media in the Age of Artificial Intelligence Maniszewska Katarzyna ebook

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This report discusses the evolving paradigm of the media strategies employed by terrorist organizations.

This report discusses the evolving paradigm of the media strategies employed by terrorist organizations. The hypothesis is that the modus operandi in mass media usage by terrorist organizations shifted with the usage of new, Internet-based media and with new regions emerging as epicenters of terrorism worldwide. Adopting the descriptive and correlational methods of research, based on desk research and literature review, supplemented by expert interviews, the media usage by terrorists and narratives advancing terrorist agenda are analyzed. The research suggests that terrorist media strategies differ depending on geopolitical shifts in terrorism. However, there are specific patterns and common practices to be found, such as the pivotal role in advancing the terrorist agenda of influencers and online inspirers who often operate legally (within the limits of freedom of speech), incite violence, and bring individuals prone to radicalization to commit acts of physical violence, including terrorist attacks. In this process, the role of the online spread of fake news, including AI-generated content, is vital. Among the case studies used, the example of Hamas and the growing use of soft power instead of fear in the communication strategy was analyzed, highlighting terrorist-generated content and terrorism “supportive” content that aims to gain sympathy. The report discusses the need for a systemic approach in countering radicalization, tailoring solutions to the specific target groups. Research suggests that there are three principal areas of intervention: education, public-private partnership, and countering state sponsors of radicalization. AI can be deployed in all these areas to increase effectiveness in planning, design, implementation, and evaluation.

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Radicalization at High Speed

Radicalization at High Speed

Maniszewska Katarzyna,

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