okładka Rose in Bloom ebook | epub, mobi | Louisa May Alcott

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Rose in Bloom Louisa May Alcott ebook

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Opis treści

Opening several years after the close of „Eight Cousins”, we find Rose coming home fresh from a voyage overseas, to find much changed about her. Suddenly, she is surrounded by male admirers, all expecting her to marry them. But before she marries anyone, Rose is determined to establish herself as an independent young woman. Besides, she suspects that some of her friends like her more her money than for herself. How can she tell who loves her for her and who loves her for her money? Is there anyone she can count on? This sequel to „Eight Cousins” was written by Louisa May Alcott, the author of many well beloved children’s books including „Little Women”, „An Old Fashioned Girl”, „Under the Lilacs” and more. A delightful coming of age story, „Rose in Bloom” will delight readers both young and old.

„Rose in Bloom”, Louisa May Alcott – jak czytać ebook?

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Szczegółowe informacje na temat ebooka Rose in Bloom

O autorze

Louisa May Alcott

Louisa May Alcott to amerykańska pisarka, jedna z pionierek literatury kobiecej oraz powieści dla dziewcząt w USA. Alcott znana była z walki o prawa kobiet i zaangażowanie w liczne inicjatywy społeczne. Była buntowniczką, która nie chciała żyć zgodnie z obowiązującymi...

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Rose in Bloom

Rose in Bloom

Louisa May Alcott,

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