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okładka Starr of the Desert ebook | epub, mobi | B.M. Bower

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Starr of the Desert B.M. Bower ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Opis treści

In the aftermath of their father’s death, two orphans set out for the wild desert lands of New Mexico with a plan to eke out a living on a goat ranch. Helen May and her brother Vic should moved to this desert after their father arranges to buy property there, to save Helen May from the TB which is threatening her health. Soon after arriving at their destination, the pair strikes up an acquaintance with a mysterious fellow who goes by the name of Starr. Is he a true friend, or does he have a nefarious plan in mind? Read Starr, of the Desert to find out. A New Mexico ranch story of mystery and adventure.

„Starr of the Desert”, B.M. Bower – jak czytać ebook?

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Starr of the Desert

Starr of the Desert

B.M. Bower,

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