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Tekla A Romance of Love and War Robert Barr ebook

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Opis treści

Written in 1893, „Tekla: A Romance of Love and War” is a novel by Robert Barr. Great fun if you like a bit of chivalry and men in tights. Strongly recommended this book for every teenager who wants to discover the exciting world of reading medieval stories and for their parents! Robert Barr (1849-1912) was a British-Canadian short story writer and novelist, who published the first Holmes parody, „The Adventures of Sherlaw Kombs” in 1892. He relocated to London in 1881 where he founded the magazine The Idler in 1892 in collaboration with Jerome K Jerome. In 1895 he retired from its co-editorship and became a prolific novelist. Some of his works include: „In the Midst of Alarms”, a story of the attempted Fenian invasion of Canada in 1866; „A Woman Intervenes”, a story of love, finance, and American journalism and others.

„Tekla”, Robert Barr – jak czytać ebook?

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Robert Barr,

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