okładka The Eastern Front In World War 3. Volume I ebook | epub, mobi | Phillip Petersen

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The Eastern Front In World War 3. Volume I Phillip Petersen ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Opis treści

This volume is the first of two. Volume 1 examines what is, in effect, a Third World War currently being waged between modern (cosmopolitan) and non-modern (traditional) socio-economic forces.

PHILLIP A. PETERSEN has a Ph.D. from University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana. For fifteen years he served as a United States Army officer, an intelligence analyst at the Library of Congress and for the Defense Intelligence Agency, and as a policy analyst in the Office of the Secretary of Defense and at the National Defense University. Upon leaving government service with the collapse of the Soviet Union, Dr. Petersen served for 25 years as a Senior Fellow at The Potomac Foundation, and served as its Vice President for Studies until he left to form the Centre for the Study of New Generation Warfare.

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The Eastern Front In World War 3. Volume I

The Eastern Front In World War 3. Volume I

Phillip Petersen,

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