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The Further Adventures of Romney Pringle Cliffford Ashdown ebook

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Opis treści

Austin Freeman and Dr. John James Pitcairn, a medical office at Halloway Prison, writing under the common pseudonym, Clifford Ashdown. This mystery collection is the first work of Freeman and it is a delightful bundle of adventures features the gentleman criminal Romney Pringle, an engaging crook and literary agent who lives in Furnival’s Inn, cycling everywhere no matter what the scam! This series of six stories feature many colourful, bizarre characters from the Chicago Heiress to the Assyrian Rejuvenator.

„The Further Adventures of Romney Pringle”, Cliffford Ashdown – jak czytać ebook?

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The Further Adventures of Romney Pringle

The Further Adventures of Romney Pringle

Cliffford Ashdown,

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