okładka The Outlaws of Mars ebook | epub, mobi | Otis Adelbert Kline

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The Outlaws of Mars Otis Adelbert Kline ebook

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Opis treści

„The Outlaws of Mars” introduces you to Captain Jerry Morgan and his travel to Mars in the early 20th century. When Jerry, expert swordsman, left the American Army, his scientist uncle, Dr. Richard Morgan, had no difficulty in persuading the adventurous young man to take a trip to Raliad, largest city on Mars in a space ship, directed by mental telepathy. For Jerry’s first moment there involved him in a costly mistake which was to throw him into conflict not only with the forces of evil and Mars’ many monsters but also against the trained weapons of a haughty empire! Solid planetary adventure romance in the vein of Edgar Rice Burroughs – this has all the clichés, Mars setting, Earth hero, princess in distress, political strife, sword fights, villains etc.... A true pulp fiction classic from the master of the sword and planet genre Otis Adelbert Kline.

„The Outlaws of Mars”, Otis Adelbert Kline – jak czytać ebook?

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The Outlaws of Mars

The Outlaws of Mars

Otis Adelbert Kline,

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