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The Polish Vernacular Culture: A Comparative Perspective Paweł Dobrosielski, Marcin Napiórkowski ebook

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Opis treści

The book is solidly grounded in theory and methodology, but at the same time takes into account the most contemporary factual settings. Professional scientists are used to dry and uninteresting volumes, this one should give them a much needed variety. Thanks to its language the book can also acquire readers outside the strictly scientific academia, the humanities and the social sciences – it should reach students and doctoral researchers, who could greatly benefit from it, as well as to the general public.

Dr Piotr Majewski

SWPS University

„The Polish Vernacular Culture: A Comparative Perspective”, Paweł Dobrosielski, Marcin Napiórkowski – jak czytać ebook?

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The Polish Vernacular Culture: A Comparative Perspective

The Polish Vernacular Culture: A Comparative Perspective

Paweł Dobrosielski, Marcin Napiórkowski,

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