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okładka The Second Deluge ebook | epub, mobi | Garrett P. Serviss

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The Second Deluge Garrett P. Serviss ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Opis treści

The protagonist is a rich scientist who predicts the onset of a new flood due to the passage of the Earth through a nebula. Instead of panic, people had laughter, because no one believed in his words. They thought he was crazy. While everyone was laughing, the mad scientist built the ark. The rains did not stop. The world is sinking, but will the main character survive?

„The Second Deluge”, Garrett P. Serviss – jak czytać ebook?

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    • The Second Deluge


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The Second Deluge

The Second Deluge

Garrett P. Serviss,

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