okładka The Strange Lapses of Larry Loman ebook | epub, mobi | Edgar Wallace

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The Strange Lapses of Larry Loman Edgar Wallace ebook

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Opis treści

Larry Loman is a member of the Criminal Investigation Department of New Scotland Yard. While on a special assignment in Asia he contracts a form of malaria that causes him to suffer character-changing bouts of amnesia for up to eight hours at a stretch. When Larry is assigned to deal with the Crime Trust, a syndicate which has gathered just about every crook in England into one organization, his periodic blackouts result in all sorts of unforeseen complications. However, he eventually breaks the Trust, and his disease goes into remission. „The Strange Lapses of Larry Loman” is an enjoyable mystery short story by Edgar Wallace with some surprising twists, well written and great to read.

„The Strange Lapses of Larry Loman”, Edgar Wallace – jak czytać ebook?

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The Strange Lapses of Larry Loman

The Strange Lapses of Larry Loman

Edgar Wallace,

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