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The Turn of the Tide Fred M. White ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Opis treści

An old-fashioned frivolous firm for a long time, which more progressive competitors talk about with good-natured contempt, they were still in the markets of the business world. They called themselves ordinary merchants selling mixed goods from all over the world, and, as people say, Mortimer Croot, the current sole owner, was considered a person of integrity and being. He had been manager and confidential clerk to an ailing owner, and when the latter was no more Croot quite naturally stepped into all there was left of the once great concern, together with the freehold house in Great Bower Street where the business was carried on.

„The Turn of the Tide”, Fred M. White – jak czytać ebook?

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The Turn of the Tide

The Turn of the Tide

Fred M. White,

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