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The Vicomte de Bragelonne Alexandre Dumas ebook

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The d’Artagnan Romances are a set of three novels by Alexandre Dumas telling the story of the musketeer d’Artagnan from his humble beginnings in Gascony to his death as a marshal of France in the Siege of Maastricht in 1673. It is May 1660 and the fate of nations is at stake. Mazarin plots, Louis XIV is in love, and Raoul de Bragelonne, son of Athos, is intent on serving France and winning the heart of Louise de la Valliere. D’Artagnan, meanwhile, is perplexed by a mysterious stranger, and soon he learns that his old comrades already have great projects in hand. Athos seeks the restoration of Charles II, while Aramis, with Porthos in tow, has a secret plan involving a masked prisoner and the fortification of the island of Belle-Ile. D’Artagnan finds a thread leading him to the French court, the banks of the Tyne, the beaches of Holland, and the dunes of Brittany. „The Vicomte de Bragelonne: Ten Years Later” is the 3rd and largest continuation of the „Musketeer” saga, following „The Three Musketeers” and „Twenty Years After”.

„The Vicomte de Bragelonne”, Alexandre Dumas – jak czytać ebook?

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    • The Vicomte de Bragelonne


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The Vicomte de Bragelonne

The Vicomte de Bragelonne

Alexandre Dumas,

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