okładka The Witch and Other Stories ebook | epub, mobi | Anton Czechow

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The Witch and Other Stories Anton Czechow ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Opis treści

A short story about an unhappy involuntary marriage. Family quarrels, like bad weather in the Russian wilderness: there is nothing worse than becoming an involuntary captive of a blizzard of someone else’s spousal abuse. The main character of the story is an ordinary woman with an unfortunate fate. All its features consist only in youth and attractive appearance, and in the still alive soul, which writhes under the weight of the cargo that has landed on it and stubbornly does not want to die, does not want to give up, and everything continues to wait for someone or something. Her husband, a miserable man, considers his wife a witch.

„The Witch and Other Stories”, Anton Czechow – jak czytać ebook?

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The Witch and Other Stories

The Witch and Other Stories

Anton Czechow,

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