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The Woman in White Wilkie Collins ebook

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Opis treści

Often considered one of the first mystery novels, The Woman In White follows protagonist Walter Hartright, an art teacher, as he has a mysterious late night encounter on a London street with a lost woman, dressed all in white, who he later finds out had escaped from an asylum. The figure of this woman and the words they exchanged during their meeting come to haunt Walter, even as he accepts a job at Limmeridge House outside of London to instruct heiress Laura Farlie in art. Walter soon recognizes the astonishing resemblance between Laura and The Woman In White, and finds out that the mystery woman also used to live near Limmeridge and has connections to the Farlie family. A tragic, haunting tale about mistaken identities, unbelievable selfishness and cruelty, bust also true love and persevering friendship. A true classic.

„The Woman in White”, Wilkie Collins – jak czytać ebook?

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Szczegółowe informacje na temat ebooka The Woman in White

O autorze

Wilkie Collins

Wilkie Collins był angielskim powieściopisarzem, dramaturgiem, a także autorem opowiadań. Stworzył trzydzieści powieści, ponad sześćdziesiąt opowiadań, czternaście dramatów i ponad setkę esejów. Najbardziej znanym dziełem Wilkiego...

    • The Woman in White


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The Woman in White

The Woman in White

Wilkie Collins,

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