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Things Lewis Sinclair ebook

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Opis treści

“Things” is a book by Sinclair Lewis an American writer. In 1930, he became the first writer from the United States to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature.

“Things” is a book by Sinclair Lewis an American writer. In 1930, he became the first writer from the United States to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature.

“Things” is a short story by Sinclair Lewis.“This is not the story of Theodora Duke and Stacy Lindstrom, but of a traveling bag with silver fittings, a collection of cloisonné, a pile of ratty school-books, and a fireless cooker that did not cook.Long before these things were acquired, when Theo was a girl and her father, Lyman Duke, was a so-so dealer in cut-over lands, there was a feeling of adventure in the family. They lived in a small brown house which predicated children and rabbits in the back yard, and a father invariably home for supper. But Mr. Duke was always catching trains to look at pine tracts in northern Minnesota. Often his wife went along and, in the wilds, way and beyond Grand Marais and the steely shore of Lake Superior, she heard wolves howl and was unafraid.” Preview.

„Things”, Lewis Sinclair – jak czytać ebook?

Ebooka „Things”, tak jak pozostałe książki w formacie elektronicznym przeczytacie w aplikacji mobilnej Woblink na Android lub iOS lub na innym urządzeniu obsługującym format epub lub mobi - czytnik ebooków (Pocketbook, Kindle, inkBook itd.), tablet, komputer etc. Czytaj tak, jak lubisz!

Zanim zdecydujesz się na zakup, możesz również przeczytać u nas darmowy fragment ebooka. A jeśli wolisz słuchać, sprawdź, czy książka jest dostępna w Woblink także jako audiobook (mp3).

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    • Things


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razem z Lubimy Czytać


Lewis Sinclair,

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