okładka Under the Greenwood Tree ebook | epub, mobi | Thomas Hardy

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Under the Greenwood Tree A Rural Painting of the Dutch School Thomas Hardy ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Opis treści

This story began around Christmas, when a group of guys from the village of Melstock walked and sang carols. It was then that the cab driver Dick Dewey saw and fell in love at first sight with the new teacher Fancy Day who had just arrived. She is also looked after by a wealthy farmer Shiner, whom Father Day favors, and pastor Maybold, who considers himself the most suitable party for Fancy. But the story did not begin in vain on the fabulous days of Christmas - it will end festively.

„Under the Greenwood Tree”, Thomas Hardy – jak czytać ebook?

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Under the Greenwood Tree

Under the Greenwood Tree

Thomas Hardy,

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