okładka Tlahtolxitlauhcayotl Chicontepec Veracruz książka

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Tlahtolxitlauhcayotl Chicontepec Veracruz książka

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: SIW Znak

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: SIW Znak

Opis treści

Tlahtolxitlauhcayotl. Chicontepec, Veracruz, is a monolingual dictionary of Modern Huastecan Nahuatl prepared over the course of fifteen years by eight researchers at Mexico’s Instituto de Docencia e Investigación Etnológica de Zacatecas (IDIEZ) and published by the University of Warsaw. It includes almost 10,500 headwords and employs the ACK (Andrews, Campbell, Karttunen) orthography. Entries include a headword, lexical category, prefix information, definitions, example sentences, derivations and morphological analysis. All of the neologisms for linguistic concepts used in the dictionary were developed through daily monolingual discussions at IDIEZ.

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Tlahtolxitlauhcayotl Chicontepec Veracruz

Tlahtolxitlauhcayotl Chicontepec Veracruz

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