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    okładka Swordsmen of Saladin, Ebook | Henry Bedford-Jones

    In the Twelfth Century an intrigue at the court of the great Sultan Saladin brings forth the Sphinx Emerald to play its strange magic role. A miniature image of the sphinx hypnotizes its owners and inspires them to make history-changing decisions. Ninth story in the series about the Sphinx Emerald from the master story tell H. Bedford-Jones!

    okładka Red Sky Over Thebes, Ebook | Henry Bedford-Jones

    The Sphinx Emerald passed into other hands – to reappear centuries later when conquering Cambyses came storming into Egypt with his Persian legions... Readers are treated to authentic historical dramas, all centering on the mysterious jewel that seems to contain a miniature image of the sphinx. A great pulp extravaganza!

    okładka Richelieu Raids a Tomb, Ebook | Henry Bedford-Jones

    „Richelieu Raids a Tomb” is the fourteenth installment about the Sphinx Emerald from a Canadian-American historical, adventure fantasy, science fiction, crime and Western writer H. Bedford-Jones. Here the malign magic of the Sphinx Emerald works its spell anew in one of the famous dramas of history. And again the strange Sphinx Emerald came to the scene to play its part in the unrolling drama.

    okładka Privy Seal, Ebook | Ford Madox Hueffer

    Ford Madox Ford was a prolific English novelist and poet in the early 20th century. Ford wrote the best-selling novel „The Good Soldier”, as well as the „Parade’s End” series. „Privy Seal” is the second novel in the well-known „Fifth Queen” trilogy that recreates Tudor England in a masterful story of court intrigue, romance, and betrayal. Here Ford focuses on the figure of Thomas Cromwell, a powerful advisor to the King who comes to see Katharine as a rival whose good nature ...

    okładka Manalive, Ebook | Chesterton G.K.

    Perhaps the most light-hearted of all Chesterton’s works, „Manalive” follows the fun loving Innocent Smith who, after bringing joy to a boarding house, is charged with a series of crimes. Later accused even of murder and denounced for philandering everywhere he goes, Smith prompts his newfound acquaintances to recognize an important idea in most unexpected ways. In this delightfully strange mystery, Chesterton demonstrates why life is worth living, and that sometimes we need ...

    okładka Master of the World, Ebook | Henry Bedford-Jones

    The fourth part in the series, „Master of the World” continues adventures of strange and mysterious gem named the Sphinx Emerald that leaves its trail through history. Alexander of Macedon had conquered most of the world, and his legions were rolling toward Carthage when a wily little priest strangely presented to him the Sphinx Emerald...

    okładka No More Parades, Ebook | Ford Madox Hueffer

    Despite his intellectual brilliance, successful career, and sizeable inheritance, Christopher Tietjens is a largely unhappy man. Tortured by his wife’s open infidelity, caught up in his own heated affair, Tietjens attempts to put his past behind him by volunteering to fight for his country. Tragic and emotionally piercing, „No More Parade’s” by Ford Madox Ford, is a story of romance, war and betrayal that proves a brilliant sequel to „Some Do Not”.

    okładka Paul Clifford, Ebook | Edward Bulwer-Lytton

    „Paul Clifford” is a novel published in 1830 by Edward George Earl Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton (1803-1873) who was an English novelist, playwright, and politician. It tells the life of Paul Clifford, a man who leads a dual life as both a criminal and an upscale gentleman. Paul Clifford tells the story of a chivalrous highwayman in the time of the French Revolution. This is the novel that first used the opening line ’’It was a dark and stormy night...’’

    okładka Four Faultless Felons, Ebook | Chesterton G.K.

    A novel series by G.K. Chesterton of four intertwined novellas whose central characters appear to be involved in murder, fraud, theft and treason. Are these friends involved in crimes? Are these individuals faultless as the book’s title suggests? A good book for people who love suspenseful novels that features mind-blowing twists, awesome plots, and events that will keep you engaged page by page.

    okładka Ghost Hills, Ebook | Henry Bedford-Jones

    An old secret and a lovely woman and three men: Barr Radison, an American adventurer, searching for the mysterious source of black and silver fox pelts, Macferris Montenay, a ruthless giant of a man, trying to carve out his own kingdom in the wilderness, and Jean Nichemus, a halfbreed and Montenay’s henchman, harboring his own sinister plans. „Ghost Hills” is one of the adventure stories of a prolific H. Bedford-Jones who is rightly called the „King of Pulps”.

    okładka Jewels Have a Long Life, Ebook | Henry Bedford-Jones

    Again the strange Sphinx Emerald came to the scene to play its part in the unrolling historic drama. This series about the Sphinx Emerald constitutes, as has been said, a veritable Outline of History – or perhaps „Highlights of History” would be more accurate. For this reason the greatest event in all history could not be left out.

    okładka King of the Dead, Ebook | Frank Aubrey

    Don Lorenzo and Arnold Neville lead separate expeditions to the South American interior whereupon they encounter the exiled king of the underground world. But can Neville help him reclaim his throne when the arch-priestess, Alloyah, raises an army of the dead? The sequel to „The Devil-Tree of El Dorado” and „A Queen of Atlantis”, „King of the Dead” is a novel among the most famous „lost race” novels written by the British author Frank Aubrey.

    okładka Lady in Chain Mail, Ebook | Henry Bedford-Jones

    Written in the cycle of tales by H. Bedford-Jones, „Lady in Chain Mail” continues amazing series about the Sphinx Emerald. From the hand of a dead Mameluke after the battle of the Pyramids, a civilian scientist with Napoleon’s army took the Sphinx Emerald... and though the Mameluke’s militant daughter offered to buy back the gem at a price high indeed, swift tragedy followed.

    okładka Last Post, Ebook | Ford Madox Hueffer

    First published in 1928, „Last Post” is part four of Ford Madox Ford’s hugely successful „Parade’s End” tetralogy. It is about Christopher Tietjens and his life, with World War I as the backdrop. This book is set during a few hours of a day in June, where Tietjens is making a living as a dealer of old furniture. The series has taken the reader from before the war, to during it, and this final novel explores the legacy of it.

    okładka Leopards Are For England, Ebook | Henry Bedford-Jones

    Readers are treated to authentic historical dramas, all centering on the mysterious jewel that seems to contain a miniature image of the sphinx. This image hypnotizes its owners and inspires them to make history-changing decisions. That malign and magic jewel the Sphinx Emerald comes again on the scene to play its part in a stirring drama of the Crusades.

    okładka Dr. Delmore’s Secret, Ebook | Fenton Ash

    „Dr. Delmore’s Secret” is an absorbing tale of mystery by Fenton Ash, author of at least three Lost-World novels. Little is known about Aubrey/Atkins. He was involved in a scandal at the turn of the century and sentenced to nine months imprisonment for obtaining money by deception. After leaving prison he dropped the name Frank Aubrey and – in his early 60s, following a three-year hiatus – began writing as Fenton Ash.

    okładka Ethel Verney, Ebook | Fenton Ash

    Much the best of the Atkins adventures, with an imaginative sweep that causes one to forget momentarily the plot and character cliches. Altogether, „Ethel Verney” (1911) is a fairly good specimen of its class written by Francis Henry Atkins – a British speculative fiction writer, mainly under two pseudonyms in sequence. He wrote under the pseudonyms Frank Aubrey and Fenton Ash.

    okładka D’Artagnan, Ebook | Henry Bedford-Jones

    H. Bedford-Jones’ „D’Artagnan” is a sequel to the first Musketeer book of Alexandre Dumas. It continues the rollicking romantic romp through pre-revolutionary France by following the further pursuits of the famous musketeer D’Artagnan. Bedford-Jones reunites the young Gascon with his old comrades-in-arms Athos, Porthos and Aramis to defend again the honor of the queen in an intrigue of Cardinal Richelieu. Highly recommended for everyone who fell in love with these unforgettab...

    okładka A Hidden Enemy, Ebook | Fenton Ash

    ”We are surrounded by hidden enemies – many of them deadly creatures... „ Meet another short science fiction novel from a British writer of „pulp fiction” Francis Henry „Frank” Atkins (1847-1927), who contributed widely to the pre-sf Pulp magazines, writing at least three Lost-World novels along with much else. He wrote under the pseudonyms Frank Aubrey and Fenton Ash.

    okładka A Man Could Stand Up, Ebook | Ford Madox Hueffer

    1926. A Novel. The third in a series that includes „Some Do Not” and „No More Parades”. It chronicles the life of Christopher Tietjens, „the last Tory”, a brilliant government statistician from a wealthy landowning family who is serving in the British Army during World War I. The novel opens on Armistice Day and follows the fortunes of Tietjens and Valentine Wannop, until their paths finally cross again in post-war London.

    okładka A Queen of Atlantis, Ebook | Frank Aubrey

    Frank Aubrey, the author of „The Devil Tree of Eldorado,” has ventured again to write a wild and romantic tale of adventure. „A Queen of Atlantis” is the second of his trilogy of novels. This story relates the discovery of a telepathic race living in the Sargasso Sea. A wonderful tale of the mythical continent, told with outstanding imaginative ingenuity, chronicling the adventures of the near-immortal Monella. The reader’s interest is sustained from the start and the experie...

    okładka A Strange Story, Ebook | Edward Bulwer-Lytton

    A lot of Edward Bulwer-Lytton’s works contributed to the early growth of the science fiction genre. «A Strange Story» is a mystery novel, which is told from the perspective of Dr. Allan Fenwicke, a rational materialist. He publically debunks the spiritualist beliefs of his fellow physician Dr. Lloyd, and thereby hastens his colleague’s demise. It is an interesting novel with beautiful story full of suspense, thrill, love, drama and unexpected twists.

    okładka A Task for Leonardo, Ebook | Henry Bedford-Jones

    The incomparable Leonardo da Vinci had great plans for the magic Sphinx Emerald – but though the King of France was his friend, he had also made a bitter enemy. Written by Henry James O’Brien Bedford-Jones (April 29, 1887 – May 6, 1949) who was a Canadian-American historical, adventure fantasy, science fiction, crime and Western writer and who became a naturalized United States citizen in 1908.

    okładka All for Adventure, Ebook | Fenton Ash

    Fenton Ash is the first and main pseudonym of UK civil engineer and author Francis Henry Atkins (1847-1927) who was a writer of „pulp fiction”, in particular science fiction aimed at younger readers. He wrote under the pseudonyms Frank Aubrey and Fenton Ash. „All for Adventure” fantasy adventure would suit anyone interested in old fantasy novels for children and young people.

Co znajdziesz w kategorii: Dla młodzieży

Do literatury młodzieżowej zaliczają się książki pisane dla nastoletnich czytelników oraz tak zwanych młodych dorosłych (Young Adult). W literaturze dla młodzieży najczęściej poruszane są tematy i problemy ważne dla osób wkraczających w okres dojrzewania. Autorzy książek zaliczanych do literatury młodzieżowej piszą o pierwszych związkach i rozstaniach, miłości, porzuceniu, przyjaźni, a także o używkach, seksualności czy samobójstwie. Jedną z pozycji w tej kategorii, która podejmuje próbę zmierzenia się z wieloma problemami charakterystycznymi dla okresu dojrzewania, jest na przykład kontrowersyjna powieść „13 powodów” Jaya Ashera, w oparciu o którą powstał głośny serial pod tym samym tytułem (wyprodukowany przez platformę Netflix). Warto pamiętać, że wiele powieści uważanych obecnie za młodzieżowe w przeszłości było adresowanych do starszych czytelników. Dopiero po późniejszych adaptacjach były akceptowane jako powieści dla młodych osób – tak było w przypadku utworów pisanych przez Juliusza Verne’a. Znaczna część jego powieści powstała jako teksty dla dorosłych, jednak zyskały one popularność również wśród młodszych czytelników z uwagi na atrakcyjną formę. Dlatego też powieści Verne’a takie jak „20 000 mil podmorskiej żeglugi” czy „W 80 dni dookoła świata” znajdują się w kategorii „Dla młodzieży”. W tej kategorii odnaleźć można zarówno powieści zaliczane do fantastyki, horroru, kryminału czy thrilleru, jak i romanse, powieści obyczajowe, a także pozycje będące połączeniem dwóch lub więcej gatunków. Do takich należą powieści „Ponad wszystko” Nicoli Yoon, „Fanfik” Natalii Osińskiej, cykl „Buntowniczka z pustyni” Alwyn Hamilton, „Eleonora i Park” oraz „Fangirl” Rainbow Rowell, a także cykl Victorii Aveyard „Czerwona królowa”. Nie zabrakło tu również kultowej i międzypokoleniowej serii „Jeżycjada” Małgorzaty Musierowicz, powieści o Harrym Potterze J. K. Rowling, a także publikacji zaliczanych do klasyki literatury dla młodzieży („Mała księżniczka” Frances Hodgson Burnett, „Ania z Zielonego Wzgórza” Lucy Maud Montgomery).