The powerful and moving memoir of a fearless political opposition leader who paid the ultimate price for his beliefs. 'A brave and brilliant book' Guardian'Charisma and courage dazzle on every page' Sunday Times'Patriot will be seen as a historic text' EconomistPatriot is the exhilarating life story of one of the most fearless and inspiring figures of our time, who became a beacon to millions and the sole political threat to Vladimir Putin. This is Alexei Navalny's life in hi...
Welcome to Lapvona. In a village in a medieval fiefdom buffeted by natural disasters, a motherless shepherd boy finds himself at the centre of a power struggle that puts all manner of faith to a savage test . .. Discover the Sunday Times bestselling novel from the author of TikTok sensation My Year of Rest and Relaxation. 'One of the most provocative reads of the year'i NEWSPAPER'Disturbingly funny'OBSERVER, BOOKS OF THE YEAR'An addictive read .. . with a chequered cast of mi...
‘What an amazing piece of work this is. Ground-breaking, thought-provoking and highly accessible. Everyone should read it.The dark, scary, exciting song of our age. 100 out of 100’ IRVINE WELSHCapitalism is dead. Welcome to technofeudalism.In his boldest and most far-reaching book, the visionary economist and number-one bestselling author Yanis Varoufakis shows how the owners of big tech became the world's feudal overlords – replacing capitalism with a fundamentally new syste...
A gripping account of survival and recovery from internationally renowned writer and Booker Prize-winner Salman RushdieOn the morning of 12 August 2022, Salman Rushdie was standing onstage at the Chautauqua Institution in upstate New York, preparing to give a lecture on the importance of keeping writers safe from harm, when a man in black – black clothes, black mask – rushed down the aisle towards him, wielding a knife. His first thought: So it’s you. Here you are.What follow...
An eye-opening and urgent re-examination of nature in our cities, from the Sunday Times bestselling author. ‘Awe-inspiring… full of wonder, warning and hope’ ISABELLA TREE, author of WildingOur modern-day cities might seem to represent our separation from the vitality of the natural world. Yet, as Ben Wilson reveals in this invigorating re-examination of urban landscapes across the globe, nature has always been at the heart of the city.Moving from Los Angeles and Delhi to Sin...
WITH INTRODUCTIONS BY MARGARET ATWOOD AND DAVID BRADSHAWFar in the future, the World Controllers have created the ideal society. Through clever use of genetic engineering, brainwashing and recreational sex and drugs all its members are happy consumers. Bernard Marx seems alone harbouring an ill-defined longing to break free.A visit to one of the few remaining Savage Reservations where the old, imperfect life still continues, may be the cure for his distress... Huxley's ingeni...
THE MILLION-COPY BESTSELLER AND TIKTOK SENSATION'A marvel' Marlon James Brilliant, heart-breaking and highly original, discover Ocean Vuong's shattering coming of age novel. This is a letter from a son to a mother who cannot read. Written when the speaker, Little Dog, is in his late twenties, the letter unearths a family's history that began before he was born.It tells of Vietnam, of the lasting impact of war, and of his family's struggle to forge a new future. And it serves ...
Every weekend, in basements and parking lots across the country, young men with good white-collar jobs and absent fathers take off their shoes and shirts and fight each other barehanded for as long as they have to. Fight Club is the invention of Tyler Durden, projectionist, waiter and dark, anarchic genius.
A TIMES AND NEW YORK TIMES BOOK OF THE YEAR 2022**An explosive expose of a firm whose work has made your world more unequal, more corrupt and more dangerous. McKinsey & Company have earned billions consulting for almost every major corporation in the world - and countless governments, including yours. Shielded by NDAs, their practices have remained hidden - until now.In this propulsive investigation, prize-winning journalists Walt Bogdanich and Michael Forsythe reveal the dis...
**THE TIKTOK SENSATION**Read THE razor-sharp satire that everyone is talking about... On the surface ,our narrator has everything you could want in life. She's young, thin, pretty, a recent Columbia graduate and lives in an apartment on the Upper East Side of Manhattan paid for, like everything else, by her inheritance.But there is a vacuum in her life and she's got the perfect solution. She's going to take a year under sedation to relax and hide away from the world. What cou...
**NOW A MAJOR FILM STARRING HARRY STYLES**This love is all-consuming It is in 1950s' Brighton that Marion first catches sight of the handsome and enigmatic Tom. He teaches her to swim in the shadow of the pier and Marion is smitten - determined her love will be enough for them both. A few years later in Brighton Museum Patrick meets Tom.Patrick is besotted with Tom and opens his eyes to a glamorous, sophisticated new world. Tom is their policeman, and in this age it is safer ...
W kategorii „Książki obcojęzyczne” umieszczone zostały wszystkie utwory napisane w języku innym niż polski. Znajdują się tutaj publikacje autorów pochodzących z różnych krajów i kultur, poruszające wiele różnych tematów, problemów czy zagadnień. Publikacje w kategorii „Książki obcojęzyczne” przeznaczone są dla czytelników, którzy przez lekturę książek w językach obcych chcą podszkolić swoją znajomość danego języka. Niektóre z publikacji zostały specjalnie przygotowane, aby pomóc w takiej nauce. Znaleźć tu można zarówno klasyki literatury światowej, jak i książki współczesnych pisarzy. Czytelnicy mogą przeczytać w oryginale książki amerykańskiego pisarza, autora fantasy i opowieści grozy oraz jednego z prekursorów fantastyki naukowej H.P. Lovecrafta (“The Call of Cthulhu”, “The Shadow Out of Time”), czołowego przedstawiciela nurtu powieści detektywistycznej i twórcy postaci Sherlocka Holmesa, Arthura Conana Doyle’a (“The Hound of the Baskervilles”, “A Study in Scarlet”), czy irlandzkiego poety, prozaika i dramatopisarza Oscara Wilde’a (“The Happy Prince and Other Tales”, “The Canterville Ghost”). W nauce języka pomogą wydania dwujęzyczne, tego typu pozycje oferuje wydawnictwo Wymowne. W ich ofercie znaleźć możemy takie tytuły jak “Treasure Island” Roberta Louisa Stevensona, “Heart of Darkness” Josepha Conrada czy “The Sphinx Without a Secret” Oscara Wilde’a. Alternatywny sposób nauki proponuje wydawnictwo Poltex. Przygotowane przez nich książki mają pomóc czytelnikowi w nauce dzięki czytaniu i jednoczesnym słuchaniu przez niego tekstu w języku angielskim oraz wykonywaniu specjalnych ćwiczeń po każdym rozdziale. Oferują oni takie tytuły jak “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” Arthura Conana Doyle’a, “Anne of Green Gables” Lucy Maud Montgomery, “The Secret Garden” Frances Hodgson Burnett, “Frankenstein” Mary Shelley, “Alice in Wonderland” Lewisa Carrolla czy “The Picture of Dorian Gray” Oscara Wilde’a. Najwięcej książek w tej kategorii napisanych zostało w języku angielskim, ale znajdują się tu również pozycje w języku rosyjskim, francuskim czy niemieckim.