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Alexandre Dumas - książki, ebooki i audiobooki

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    okładka Twenty Years After, Ebook | Alexandre Dumas

    Anyone old enough to have friends they haven’t seen for many years knows how difficult it can be to get everyone together again. And when you do, it’s never quite the same. That’s the theme of „Twenty Years After” (1845), Alexandre Dumas’s sequel to „The Three Musketeers” that is a supreme creation of suspense and heroic adventure. This story follows events in France during La Fronde, during the childhood reign of Louis XIV, and in England near the end of the English Civil ...

    okładka Ten Years Later, Ebook | Alexandre Dumas

    The d’Artagnan Romances are a set of three novels by Alexandre Dumas telling the story of the musketeer d’Artagnan from his humble beginnings in Gascony to his death as a marshal of France in the Siege of Maastricht in 1673. It is May 1660 and the fate of nations is at stake. Mazarin plots, Louis XIV is in love, and Raoul de Bragelonne, son of Athos, is intent on serving France and winning the heart of Louise de la Valliere. D’Artagnan, meanwhile, is perplexed by a mysterio...

    okładka Louise de la Valliere, Ebook | Alexandre Dumas

    After „The Three Musketeers” and „Twenty Years After” the adventurous story of Athos, Porthos, Aramis and D’Artagnan continues! Against a tender love story, Dumas continues the suspense which began with „The Vicomte de Bragelonne” and will end with „The Man in the Iron Mask”. Can it be true that the King is in love with the Duchess d’Orleans? Or has his eye been caught by the sweet and gentle Louise de la Valliere? No one is more anxious to know the answer than Raoul, son o...

    okładka The Mesmerist’s Victim, Ebook | Alexandre Dumas

    Set in Paris during the French Revolution, „The Mesmerist’s Victim” tells the story of two star-crossed lovers whose romance blooms at an extremely inopportune moment in European history. Will they be able to find happiness together, or will they be swallowed up in the tumult of radical political and social change? „The Mesmerist’s Victim” is the second in Dumas’ fictional series on the French Revolution. The story continues the tale where „Memoirs of a Physician” left off....

    okładka La Dame de Monsoreau, Ebook | Alexandre Dumas

    La «Dame de Monsoreau» est la suite à «La Reine Margot». C’est la fin du XVI siècle. Nous avons la possibilité de déguster la vie des rois et reines des siècles précédents, la vie ces gentilshommes célébrés par leur bravoure. L’histoire d’amour, bien qu’agréable à suivre, est sans grande originalité, mais elle est soutenue par une intrigue historique particulièrement réussie et passionnante. En meme temps nous côtoyons le règne du roi Henri III, sa vie, sa cour, ses faibles...

    okładka Le Comte de Monte-Cristo, Ebook | Alexandre Dumas

    Dans ce roman Dumas réussit là à développer franchement les relations humaines et le thème de la trahison pour aborder regrets, détermination et autres hantises de l’esprit humain. À grands coups de trésors, de secrets et de machinations, il nous conduit au gré des soubresauts du destin d’Edmond Dantès! La magie et la dissimulation, la tromperie, l’art du déguisement et les faux-semblants, et... la vengeance. Est-elle juste et facile à vivre une fois accomplie?...

    okładka La Femme au collier de velours, Ebook | Alexandre Dumas

    «L’histoire que nous avons lu, c’est Nodier qui me l’a racontée.” Charles Nodier, quand il sentait sa fin, a raconté cette histoire à Dumas et il la publie. Cette histoire est très travaillée et est truffée de références. Ce récit est plein de contes fantastiques et tableaux effrayantes de cette période historique où la folie et le réel parviennent à se confondre.

    okładka 5 Best Historical Novels, Ebook | Alexandre Dumas

    He is a French writer whose adventure novels made him one of the most widely read French authors in the world. He was also a playwright and journalist. Having hired several assistants, he writes novels for newspapers with a sequel – adventure, pseudo-historical in nature, which both readers and publishers are happy to buy. Among these works are 5 famous historical multibooks such as: „The Count Of Monte Cristo”, „The Three Musketeers”, „Twenty Years After”, „The Black Tulip...

    okładka The Prussian Terror, Ebook | Alexandre Dumas

    This action-packed novel is a warning. Its main character, the young Frenchman Benedict Thurpin – the newly-minted d’Artagnan, daredevil, wit, Breter, warrior, painter, palmist, hunter, gallant gentleman, personification of the spirit of France – like a volunteer fighting Prussians and performing extraordinary feats.

    okładka The Conspirators, Ebook | Alexandre Dumas

    In the center of the novel is the fate of Adjutant Bonaparte Roland de Montrevel, and already in connection with this story we are faced with the image of Napoleon himself. But this does not stop Dumas from paying him much attention in the novel. And if at the beginning of the novel Napoleon appears as a very young general of the period of the Egyptian campaign and subsequent events, then in the finale he already measures the crown after Marengo and his other brilliant vict...

    okładka Le Vicomte de Bragelonne. , Ebook | Alexandre Dumas

    «Le Vicomte de Bragelonne» est le dernier volume de la trilogie des trois mousquetaires. Véritablement c’est un des meilleurs, le plus vibrants et le plus émouvants romans de Dumas. L’ atmosphère est plus sombre que dans le premier volume de la série. Les amis ne sont pas dans le même camp, els mettent des bâtons dans les roues l’un l’autre. Mais, aucun des personnages n’est vraiment bon, aucun n’est totalement mauvais. Chacun lutte pour ses ambitions, et essaie de placer s...

    okładka Le Chevalier de Maison-Rouge, Ebook | Alexandre Dumas

    Le roman «Le chevalier de maison rouge» fait partie d’une série des romans d’Aleksandre Dumas de la Révolution française. L’histoire, aventures, beaux ou mauvais sentiments, nobles hommes ou immondes humains nous entraînent dans la France de la terreur. La description d’une terrible époque, quand Louis XVI a été guillotiné, Le Tribunal révolutionnaire institué et Marie-Antoinette, enfermée au temple, attend son procès. Et enfin le mystérieux Chevalier de Maison-Rouge, qui a...

    okładka Le Chevalier d’Harmental, Ebook | Alexandre Dumas

    Un exellent roman où se mêlent l’aventure et l’amour. Il nous plonge dans l’époque de la guerre entre les princes héritiers de la couronne de France après la mort de Louis XIV. Raoul d’Harmental est un jeune homme qui va faire partie d’une conspiration dans laquelle il devra enlever le régent Philippe d’Orléans. Utilisant un capitaine un peu particulier Roquefinette, d’Harmental se rendra vite compte que comploter contre le pouvoir n’est pas sans difficulté... surtout lorsq...

    okładka Le Capitaine Paul, Ebook | Alexandre Dumas

    «Le Capitaine Paul» est un des premiers livres d’Alexandre Dumas, qui nous montre, que l’auteur est un grand écrivain et même à ses débuts. On peut voir son talent avec ses intrigues et sa passion de l’aventure. Cette fois-ci, il raconte de l’abordage, du prisonnier Lusignan et du capitaine de bateau Paul, qui écoute sa histoire. Il découvre après plusieurs années la vérité de ses parents...

    okładka The Countess of Charny, Ebook | Alexandre Dumas

    This swashbuckling yarn is the continuation of the story in „Memoirs of a physician,” „The Queen’s necklace,” and „Six Years Later”. „The Countess of Charny or, The Execution of King Louis XVI” is the seventh in Dumas’ series on the retelling of the French Revolution. Known as one of the important early figures in the burgeoning genre of historical fiction, Alexandre Dumas spent much of his life chronicling the social and political unrest that utterly transformed France – a...

    okładka The Royal Life Guard, Ebook | Alexandre Dumas

    „The Royal Life Guard – A Historical Romance of the Suppression of the French Monarchy” is a historical romance of the suppression of the French monarchy. France had been changed to a limited monarchy from an absolute one, and King Louis XVI had solemnly sworn to defend the new Constitution. But it had been remarked by shrewd observers that he had not attended the Te Deum at the Paris Cathedral, with the members of the National Assembly: that is, he would tell a lie but not...

    okładka Captain Paul, Ebook | Alexandre Dumas

    Alexandre Dumas’s 1846 novel, „Captain Paul” is based on life of John Paul Jones, a captain in the American Navy during the revolutionary war. This epic adventure is written in best traditions of Duma’s work featuring numerous desperate battles, true love, brave heroes, devious villains, and intrigue. This tale of high adventure and daring-do is highly recommended for fans of Dumas’s work, and would make for a fantastic addition to any bookshelf! One of the most widely read...

    okładka The Forty-Five Guardsmen, Ebook | Alexandre Dumas

    „The Forty-Five Guardsmen”, by Alexandre Dumas (1894), the most celebrated of French romance writers, is in two volumes, and is the third of a series known as „The Valois Romances”. It basically deals with Diana de Meridor and her servant Remy who find a way to take revenge upon Duc d’Anjou for his heinous betrayal of Bussy d’Amboise. Historically it commences with the execution of Salcede and the arrival of the Forty-Five at Paris and deals with the Guise intrigues, the ca...

    okładka The Three Musketeers, Ebook | Alexandre Dumas

    „The Three Musketeers” (French: „Les Trois Mousquetaires”) is a historical adventure novel written in 1844 by French author Alexandre Dumas. Set in 1625–1628 when France is under threat, it recounts the adventures of a young nobleman named d’Artagnan after he leaves home to travel to Paris, to join the Musketeers of the Guard. Although d’Artagnan is not able to join this elite corps immediately, he befriends the three most formidable musketeers of the age – the mysterious A...

    okładka The Three Musketeers, Audiobook | Alexandre Dumas

    Angielski dla początkujących Macmillan Readers: beginner level D’Artagnan wants to become a King’s musketeer. But before he can have the job he must meet many challenges and prove that he is a strong and brave fighter. Can he protect the Queen from the Cardinal’s evil plans? And will he be able to stop the beautiful Milady from murdering the Duke of Buckingham? D’Artagnan pragnie zostać królewskim muszkieterem. Najpierw jednak musi udowodnić swą odwagę i męstwo. Czy uda mu...

    okładka Le Comte de Monte-Cristo, Audiobook | Alexandre Dumas

    Audiobook do nauki języka francuskiego

    Adptacja powieści Przygody Monte Cristo Alexandra Dumasa

    Edmont Dantes wiedzie dostatnie i wprost idealne życie: wkrótce dostanie awans na stanowisko kapitana statku, jego piękna narzeczona darzy go miłością, wszyscy go cenią i szanują. Jest jednak kilku ludzi, którzy zazdroszczą Edmontowi jego szczęścia i knują pewną intrygę...

    okładka The Treasure of Monte Cristo, Audiobook | Alexandre Dumas

    Nowa formuła nauki języka angielskiego Dla osób znudzonych ciągłymi ćwiczeniami i testami Angielski w przystępnej formie Macmillan Readers: pre-intermediate level The tale of the imprisonment and escape of Edward Dantes, taken from the classic novel The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas. Edmont Dantes zdaje się mieć idealne życie: wkrótce dostanie awans na stanowisko kapitana statku, ma piękną narzeczoną, wszyscy darzą go sympatią. Jest jednak kilku ludzi, którzy za...

    okładka The Hero of the People, Ebook | Alexandre Dumas

    An adventure is something that happens outside the course of ordinary life. We can’t go on an adventure all the time, but an adventure story will take you right to that adventure. With no time to scout for a library, now these books are at our fingertips. „The Hero of the People” is the fifth book in the fictional series on the French Revolution by the famous French author Alexandre Dumas. Alexandre Dumas is known for penning many masterpieces of historical fiction, includi...

    okładka Le Comte de Moret, Ebook | Alexandre Dumas

    L’époque du gouvernement de Louis XIII et le cardinal Richelieu. Le machiavélique cardinal Richelieu, toujours au centre des intrigues, apprend que le comte de Moret, qui est aussi fils naturel d’Henri IV, a porté des lettres aux deux reines. Bien plus il est tombé amoureux d’Isabelle de Lautrec! Alors, évidemment le cardinal va agir pour amener toute cette eau à son moulin...