Anna Michałowska-Mycielska - książki, ebooki i audiobooki

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    okładka The Jewish community Authority and social control in Poznań and Swarzędz 1650-1973, Książka | Anna Michałowska-Mycielska

    This book features the mechanisms underlying the life of Jewish communities and the policies pursued by their authorities in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 17th-18th centuries on the example of two communities: Poznań and Swarzędz. It covers such issues as election of community officials and their responsibilities, the rabbi's office, community courts, craftsmen's guilds and brotherhoods, control exercised by the community authorities over residents, the community'...

    okładka The Council of Lithuanian Jews 1623-1764, Książka | Anna Michałowska-Mycielska

    The Council of Lithuanian Jews (Lithuanian Vaad) was the central representative organ of the Jews in the Grand Duchy of Lithua¬nia. It operated for nearly one and a half centuries (1623-1764), touching all spheres of the Jewish community’s life. It undertook important initiatives for the benefit of its constituency at diets and dietines (legislative assemblies of the nobility), at the courts of the King and important magnates, and in non-Jewish courts of law. This book discus...

    okładka The Council of Lithuanian Jews 1623-1764, Ebook | Anna Michałowska-Mycielska

    The Council of Lithuanian Jews (Lithuanian Vaad) was the central representative organ of the Jews in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. It operated for nearly one and a half centuries (1623-1764), touching all spheres of the Jewish community's life. It undertook important initiatives for the benefit of its constituency at diets and dietines (legislative assemblies of the nobility), at the courts of the King and important magnates, and in non-Jewish courts of law. Thi...

    okładka Mojżesz Wasercug (ok. 1760-1832) i jego pamiętnik, Książka | Anna Michałowska-Mycielska

    Mojżesz Wasercug pochodził z Wielkopolski, z miasta Skoki (hebr. Skok, niem. Schokken), położonego około 40 km na północny wschód od Poznania. Skoki były prywatnym miastem szlacheckim, w drugiej połowie XVIII wieku należały do Radolińskich. Miasto było ośrodkiem handlu i rzemiosła, a w drugiej połowie XVIII wieku także sukiennictwa. Po drugim rozbiorze (1793) Skoki znalazły się w granicach Prus (...). Silna była identyfikacja pamiętnikarza i jego rodziny ze Skokami. Krewny Mo...