Earl Derr Biggers - książki, ebooki i audiobooki

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    okładka Za kurtyną, Ebook | Earl Derr Biggers

    W „Za kurtyną”, Earla Derr Biggersa, czytelnicy ponownie spotykają się z niepowtarzalnym detektywem Charlie Chanem. Tym razem Chan staje przed zagadką morderstwa, które wstrząsnęło elitą San Francisco. W świecie pełnym zdrady, ukrytych motywów i sekretów, Chan musi wykorzystać swój bystry umysł i niezachwiane poczucie sprawiedliwości, aby odsłonić prawdę skrywaną za kurtyną pozorów. Ta pełna napięcia powieść kryminalna zabierze czytelników w mroczną podróż przez labirynty lud...

    okładka Strażnik kluczy, Książka | Earl Derr Biggers

    Autor po mistrzowsku przeprowadza czytelnika przez skomplikowaną intrygę, pełną mylnych tropów i skrywanych tajemnic. Miłość i zdrada... Pieniądze i morderstwo...

    okładka Keeper of the Keys, Ebook | Earl Derr Biggers

    In this last written adventure, the plot unfolds with an intriguing scenario. Wealthy and hospitible Dudley Ward gathers together Charlie Chan along with Ellen’s three later husbands to his large house on Lake Tahoe. After hearing his former wife, Ellen Landini, may have been pregnant when she left him, Dudley Ward is determined to find his son. There are four ex-husbands, including Ward, all of them angry with Landini, who is about to marry a fifth husband, also present, w...

    okładka Behind That Curtain, Ebook | Earl Derr Biggers

    Biggers’ third book in the Charlie Chan series involves the detective in a case that spans decades and continents, culminating in the city of San Francisco. This time Charlie pulls aside the curtain that conceals a mystery far in the past. The plot links a present day murder with another murder some year previously, combined with a series of disappearances of young women. Charlie Chan is still trying to leave San Francisco after a vacation that turned into a job of detectio...

    okładka The Ebony Stick, Ebook | Earl Derr Biggers

    No sooner had Bob from the Silver Star ranch reached Italy than a telegram arrived asking for $1,000. A pretty woman was behind it, but that wasn’t all. This early work by Earl Derr Biggers was originally published in 1916. „The Ebony Stick” is one of Biggers shorter stories, published after his death. The son of Robert J. and Emma E. (Derr) Biggers, Earl Derr Biggers was born in Warren, Ohio, and graduated from Harvard University in 1907. While on holiday in Hawaii, Bigger...