Alva Collins, the mentally unbalanced wife of airline pilot Evan Collins, wants her husband to leave his job. She is neurotic, vicious and unstable but only her brother knows that she is a hopeless psychopath whose condition can only deteriorate. However, she is tragically killed when someone throws a hive of bees into her bedroom. Police deduce that whoever was responsible knew that Alva was allergic to the insects, and suspicion immediately falls on her husband. This earl...
Novelist, playwright and journalist, Edgar Wallace, is best known for his popular detective and suspense stories which, in his lifetime, earned him the title, „King of the Modern Thriller. This early work by Edgar Wallace was originally published in 1934. „The Woman From the East and Other Stories” is an enjoyable collection of short stories that include „The Chopham Affair”, „The Hopper”, „The Silver Charm”, and many more. As the stories are rather short and quite fast-pac...
A murder is committed among the rich of a small town, and with more than one ghost and all the evidence seems to point to a beautiful young woman... „The Valley of Ghosts”, written as one of four detective novels in 1922, is set in the seemingly peaceful community Beverly Green, a place where upper-middle-class families live a secluded life. Why was Stella Nelson with the victim in the middle of the night, shortly before the murder? Who was the mysterious blackmailer who he...
„The Fourth Plague” is an intriguing crime novel that was published in 1913, during the early years of Wallace’s career as a novelist. Here again pits a master detective against a powerful crime syndicate, this time with an Italian background. An Italian secret society, burglary, kidnapping, detectives, mysterious artefacts, remarkable coincidences! This is a tale of the Red-Hand, a criminal organization that makes Count Festini, its secret head, the most dangerous man in E...
„Nig Nog and Other Humorous Stories” is a collection of short humorous stories that include „Jimmy’s Brother”, „Sentimental Simpson”, „Chubb of the Slipper”, and many more. There are reasons worth exploring why Edgar Wallace was so successful in his writings and amongst them were his imagination, cleverness, and humor as demonstrated in these initial short stories, especially „Nig- Nog” (making an in-your-face patent medicine pedlar and a burglar endearing characters, and f...
This mystery collection, written by British author Edgar Wallace, contains the following works: „Mrs. William Jones and Bill”, „The Adventures of George”, „According to Freud”, „Bondage”, „The Society of Bright Young People”, „The King and the Editor”, „Christmas Presents”. Edgar Wallace was a prolific author of crime, adventure and humorous stories, whose best known creations include „The Four Just Men”, „Sanders of the River”, and „J. G. Reeder”. Although Wallace wrote ma...
Several employees on a nobleman’s estate show up at a former abbey, reputed to be haunted, to search for a hidden treasure. However, a mysterious hooded figure begins killing off those who may have figured out where the treasure is hidden. Who the Black Abbott is, what his purpose is – and how he is connected with the mystery of the treasure – these are the elements of the story. There’s a malevolent ghost, buried treasure, the elixir of life, a crooked lawyer, a tangled ro...
Fashionable Londoner James Morlake is a gentleman with many secrets and several particularly valuable skills – like terrorizing bankers across the city. His Moorish servant Mahmet has some secrets to hide as well, particularly when his employer gives him the odd task to perform in the dead of night in dark London. A collection of short stories from Edgar Wallace featuring a private detective who tracks down blackmailers. When you do reach the end you will anxiously await a ...
„Again Sanders” is a collection of twelve short stories written by Edgar Wallace. The situation appears calm in the colonial area of the Sanders. But dark clouds are gathering on the horizon and the Captain Hamilton and the inexperienced Lieutenant Bones need to pass some exciting adventure before you can enjoy life on the power again. The tales are all loosely connected and center on Lt. Augustus „Bones” Tibbetts. Part of his famous „African novels” („Sanders of the River”...
English crime writer, journalist, novelist, screenwriter, and playwright. He wrote 175 novels, 24 plays, and numerous articles. In the 1920s, one of Wallace’s publishers claimed that a quarter of all books read in England were written by him. He was known during his lifetime for the J. G. Reeder detective stories, „"The Four Just Men"”, „"The Ringer"”, and for creating the Green Archer character. He is most famous today as the co-creator of King Kong. „"A King by Night"” is...
Clay Shelton is an outstanding forger and has been capable of cheating on an entire country. One day is finally arrested, convicted of the assassination for killing a policeman and sentenced to death. His execution is performed and the case is closed. Or this is what everyone thinks, until the judge who sentenced Shelton, his prosecutor and executioner are brutally murdered by „the Terrible People”, an mysterious secret organization. The next name on their list is the one o...
Set in the late 1920s-early 1930s, „When the Gangs Came to London” is rated as one of Edgar Wallace’s best work by fans of his genre of crime fiction. Two rival gangs from Chicago coming to London and competing to blackmail rich men into paying up to prevent being killed. When a lull ensues, Captain Jiggs Allermain of the Chicago Detective Bureau suspects the rival gangs of forming an uneasy alliance. Suddenly a shot rings through the House of Commons, unleashing an outburs...
Various people had tried, and failed, to break the strong will of Diana Ford. Her lawyers, for instance, thought they could dissuade her from coming to England. Her cousin, Gordon Salisbury, found she had moved in as a permanent houseguest, uninvited and defiant of convention. So, it was not surprising that when she suspected Gordon of being the victim of a clever impersonation, Diana should take charge. Recommended for Edgar Wallace fans and fans of old-time, classic crime...
Rather different from the usual Wallace plot, here we have a tramp heading for the Canadian border who marries a girl while in a drunken stupor. Her wedding day was so fraught with danger that she and her husband were forced to flee from the deadly menace that ruthlessly dogged their every move. She learned to avoid the man with the red beard and his swarthy knife-juggling companion. Above all, she feared and avoided Gussie, whose drawl and monocle gave him a deceptive appe...
With the stealing of the fat Englishman’s wallet by Gregory Silinski, commences this extraordinary story of crime. Who are the Nine Bears? Who is Hyatt and the Man of the Eiffel Tower? And where is „LOLO” the secret rendezvous of the Nine? These are only a few of the facers that confront T. B. Smith, Assistant Commissioner from Scotland Yard, until the final dramatic scene aboard the „mad battleship”. This book is one of the most popular novels of Edgar Wallace, and has bee...
An enjoyable short work from Edgar Wallace, originally published in 1915. Few people today would recognize the name „Edgar Wallace” but before his death in 1933 he was a literary force to be reckoned with. He was both prolific and popular and his books reportedly sold at the rate of 5,000 a day. „The Melody of Death” is a novel about a young man who starts behaving strangely upon hearing a certain melody. Fearing that he may be suffering from cancer, Gilbert Standerton asks...
The renowned family Callander receives a very unwelcome visit from their Australian relative, nephew Brian Pallard of family patriarch Peter Callander. Unwelcome because Pallard cultivates a rather dubious way of life and made his considerable fortune on the races. Upon arrival, Pallard proves charming and witty, so that daughter Gladys immediately gets a crush on him, but he also has rivals who do not shy away from bad deed like killing a horse with tse tse flies to manipu...
Conventional ideas of beauty are typically associate it with goodness and kindness. However, appearances can be deceptive. A classic mystery crime novel involving the evil deeds of one Jean Briggerland, a woman with all the outward angelic qualities imaginable but possessing an unspeakable evil nature, so lovely that none can see her guilt – even in connection with the most blatant crimes! Jean uses her criminal connection to climb to the heights of wealth and power, but la...
Zbiór urokliwych dwunastu opowiadań, których wspólnym mianownikiem, a zarazem bohaterem jest tytułowy Orator, czyli Mówca. Jego przezwisko nie wzięło się jednak bynajmniej stąd, że wiele mówił... Mówca więcej milczał i tym właśnie doprowadzał przestępców do załamania psychicznego. A jego ksywa to po prostu kombinacja inicjału imienia oraz nazwiska: O. Rater. W przytoczonych historiach Mówca zmierzy się z najprzebieglejszymi przestępcami Londynu lat 20. To jeden z lepszych tom...
Powieść należąca do słynnej serii "Sprawiedliwych". W Londynie giną osoby zabite przez tajemniczego węża. Początkowo policja przypuszcza samobójstwa, ale potem skłania się w stronę morderstw. W tym samym czasie uboga Mirabella Leicester otrzymuje angaż do pracy w fabryce doktora Oberzohna. Po czasie okazuje się, że była jedyną kandydatką na to stanowisko, a cele Oberzhona są dużo bardziej tajemnicze niż się początkowo wydaje: chodzi o niezwykły majątek pozostawiony w jednym z...
Kiedy October Jones, zbuntowana młoda kobieta, zmuszana jest przez rodzinę do ślubu, stwierdza, że każdy mężczyzna jest taki sam i mogłaby poślubić włóczęgę zamiast obecnego narzeczonego. Kiedy ten sprowadza do domu Robina Leslie, przypadkowego bezdomnego, by ośmieszyć October, ta bez wahania poślubia go i ucieka z domu. Bohaterka u boku włóczęgi Robina zaczyna poznawać całkiem nowy, nieznany jej świat, pełen przygód i niebezpieczeństw. Ścigani przez rodzinę kobiety, policję ...
Betcher Long, główny bohater "Szajki Zgrozy", to młody, błyskotliwy policjant, który z powodzeniem rozwiązuje najtrudniejsze sprawy i chwyta najgroźniejszych przestępców. Wśród nich jest też Clay Shelton, fałszerz, który posłużywszy się podrobionymi czekami, dokonał zuchwałych kradzieży w bankach całego świata. Zostaje on skazany i stracony. Jednak jego śmierć pociąga za sobą kolejne – giną ludzie, którzy mieli związek z procesem i egzekucją, sędzia i kat. Czyżby faktyc...
Clay Shelton jest znanym w świecie genialnym złodziejem okradającym banki. W Londynie prawie nie ma banku, którego by nie okradł. Pewnego razu zostaje zatrzymany na gorącym uczynku przez Betchera Longa, zdolnego detektywa ze Scotland Yardu. Shelton zostaje osadzony w więzieniu i skazany na śmierć za morderstwa, jakich dokonał. Zapowiada zemstę... po śmierci. Rzeczywiście, po wykonaniu wyroku zaczynają się dziać dziwne rzeczy, a życie Longa i bankierów jeszcze nigdy nie było t...
Sokrates Smith – bohater "Tajemnicy trzech dębów" – to były policjant i pracownik Scotland Yardu, który jest obdarzony nie tylko niezwykłym imieniem, ale także nieprzeciętnymi zdolnościami detektywistycznymi. Na zaproszenie emerytowanego kolegi z pracy, Johna Mandle’a, przyjeżdża do jego willi wraz z młodszym bratem Lexingtonem. Na miejscu każdy z braci znajduje zajęcie – Sokrates próbuje dowiedzieć się, dlaczego gospodarz żyje w nieustannym strachu o swoje życie, a Lexington...