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8 Best Weird and Fantasy Stories MultiBook H. P. Lovecraft ebook

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Opis treści

The name Howard Phillips Lovecraft thundered to the whole world as a standard of horror literature. Gifted with the art of exquisite literature, he wrote about terrible shadows in the corner and that which was inaccessible to ordinary mortals, but only to the elect. His contemporaries and today’s heroes of horror stories pay their tribute to Lovecraft’s tales. The multibook includes the most read novels of the author, such as: „The Call of Cthulhu”, „The Case of Charles Dexter Ward”, „The Dunwich Horror”, „The Whisperer in Darkness”, „At the Mountains of Madness”, „The Shadow over Innsmouth”, „The Shadow Out of Time”, „The Thing on the Doorstep”.

„8 Best Weird and Fantasy Stories”, H. P. Lovecraft – jak czytać ebook?

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Szczegółowe informacje na temat ebooka 8 Best Weird and Fantasy Stories

O autorze

H. P. Lovecraft

H. P. Lovecraft, a właściwie Howard Philips Lovecraft, był amerykańskim pisarzem, słynnym twórcą opowieści grozy z gatunku tzw. weird fiction oraz fantasy, a także mitologii Cthulhu. Uważany...

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8 Best Weird and Fantasy Stories

8 Best Weird and Fantasy Stories

H. P. Lovecraft,

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