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A Difficult Problem and Other Stories Anna Katharine Green ebook

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Originally published between 1894 and 1900, „A Difficult Problem” is a collection of ten short works of mysterious fiction by Anna Katharine Green. These ten short stories include the mystery and crime stories as their basic theme. This whodunit collection brings to you some of Green’s finest crime mysteries to keep you at your toes: „The gray madam”, „The bronze hand”, „Midnight in Beauchamp Row”, „The staircase at the Heart’s Delight” and others. Anna Katharine Green (November 11, 1846 – April 11, 1935) was an American poet and novelist. She was one of the first writers of detective fiction in America and distinguished herself by writing well plotted, legally accurate stories. Green has been called „the mother of the detective novel”.

„A Difficult Problem and Other Stories”, Anna Katharine Green – jak czytać ebook?

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A Difficult Problem and Other Stories

A Difficult Problem and Other Stories

Anna Katharine Green,

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