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The Golden Slipper and Other Problems for Violet Strange Anna Katharine Green ebook

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Opis treści

„The Golden Slipper and Other Problems for Violet Strange” is a collection of stories by Anna Katharine Green featuring an early edition of that familiar figure, the „girl detective”. Violet Strange is a pretty young debutante with a wealthy father and the spare time to secretly investigate various matters within her social sphere. Her knowledge of the aristocracy helps the police solve the crimes. Originally published in 1915, „The Golden Slipper” is the debut entry in the Violet Strange series. Miss Strange proves who is behind a series of high society thefts. It would seem to be one of group of friends known as „The Inseparables” with suspicion focused on one of the young ladies in particular. A golden slipper is the only clue that will help Violet find who the real thief is.

„The Golden Slipper and Other Problems for Violet Strange”, Anna Katharine Green – jak czytać ebook?

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The Golden Slipper and Other Problems for Violet Strange

The Golden Slipper and Other Problems for Violet Strange

Anna Katharine Green,

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