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Children Stories Charles Dickens ebook

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Opis treści

Here are 10 stories to introduce readers of all ages to Charles Dickens and his Victorian England filled with orphans, expectations, and Christmas spirits, including adaptations of Dickens geared toward young readers, engaging looks into the author’s life, and a few kid-friendly classics straight from the author’s quill. The most famous and funny short stories include the „Child’s Story”, „The Cratchits’ Christmas Dinner”, „A Christmas Carol”, „Hunted Down” and „The Poor Relation’s Story”, „Little Dorrit”. In lots of these children were important characters. In his day, no one understood children better than Dickens, and he was the first writer to describe what children thought and felt and to capture the way they spoke. And he was not afraid to write about the hard and sad lives that many children led.

„Children Stories”, Charles Dickens – jak czytać ebook?

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Szczegółowe informacje na temat ebooka Children Stories

O autorze

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens urodził się w 1812 roku. To brytyjski pisarz, jeden z najważniejszych autorów powieści społeczno-obyczajowych XIX wieku. Jest twórcą kultowych książek, które należą do klasyki światowej literatury. Dickens napisał m.in. „Klub...

    • Children Stories


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Children Stories

Children Stories

Charles Dickens,

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